Chapter 30 ~ He's Here

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The sky was still dark and the cold mountain dew made Hoseok shivered. He wrapped himself with a blanket and walked towards Hannah's tent. There, he saw Hannah already up and was staring at the sky.

She turned to his direction and smiled as he approached closer to her.

"Good morning, Hannah."

She nodded in reply and walked towards a cliff a few meters away from their tents. He followed her with the moist of the grasses that tickled the corners of his feet.

There were only a few stars left and the darkness started to fade away. The sky looked like a painting as the early daylight srarted to begin ~ again.

Hannah smiled as she stopped from walking and found herself standing in front of a cliff. Hoseok stood beside her. He didn't have an attempt to look down. There's no need to be afraid from falling. He's no longer afraid from falling. He only needed to look at the enchanting sky above and the beautiful woman standing beside him.

They welcomed the sun waking up from its slumber as it shone its rays on them.

"This is by far the most beautiful sun rise my eyes have ever seen."

Hoseok nodded and smiled.

"You are ~ "

(Yes Hannah, you are the most beautiful sun rise in my life)

"Hmmmm?" *confused

"You are as beautiful as the sun rise."

(And I am your brightest sunshine)

Hannah faced on him and smiled.

"Hoseok-ssi, are you ready to get away?"

Hoseok nodded as he received Hannah's hands entertwined with his.

"Let's get away ~ "

They closed their eyes, feeling the cold wind and the heat of the early morning sun hugging them. It was as if getting away from the reality of pain and loneliness.

She wanted to get away from being trapped from those memories from the past.
She had been lost for a long time and she wanted to find her way back.

She wanted to escape from being lost.

Hoseok opened his eyes and looked at her. The sun was fully awake and they needed to go back to the city.

"Tik tok ~ the dark is over."


*Tuesday Afternoon*


Hannah met Namjoon at Keit's Café after his news broke her heart. Mr. Min died from that Monday morning. He had been sick and his medication could no longer help him that his body already gave up.

"The funeral service was very short. He himself said to bury his body beside his wife and his son."

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