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Ant sat alone in his room. He had said he wanted to be alone so he could get some work done, but how could he now? After all that's happened. Everyone around him had a purpose. Nicola, back from the Byker Grove days, was now a world famous photographer. Lisa, his other ex-girlfriend had settled down in America to work as a make-up artist. His half-sister Emma was travelling around the world with the love of her life. Sarha had started her own family but still lived in Newcastle. And what is he doing? He had to give up his job as a presenter because of heart problems. He has now become a producer for Dec's new show with Stephen Mulhern, but it's just not the same.

Ah yes Dec... His Declan. Still one of the most loved TV Presenters in Britain. But NO, he wasn't his Declan anymore, he was now someone else's. He should have known this would happen, as soon as Dec started to work with Stephen. Who was he kidding? He couldn't compete with Stephen. He was nothing more than some guy who was on the telly once. Nothing more. And why wouldn't Dec be attracted to Stephen? Charming, loveable, cute Stephen with his magic tricks. Dec was now probably having a nice lunch with Stephen. Ant had been told that Dec was always worrying about his heart. *I guess that's why he's finding it hard to break up with me. He's probably scared I would keel over and die.*

Ant picked up the 'Love Time Table' Dec had made for them. The last try to recapture his fading love for Ant. He then felt around in his pocket and found the receipts he'd been looking for. He had done something for Dec, which he had hoped would be for both of them but now it would only be for Declan. The only thing left to be done now is the paper work and then he would get out of the way. He watched Dec come in and undress for bed. Ant then got up and went to the bathroom to have a shower and establish the final steps of his life.

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