Monday Morning

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Moday Morning

Ant re-read the document one more time just to make sure everything was the way it should be. Ali had agreed not to tell Dec anything, she loved the idea of Ant's romantic surprise for his boyfriend. After finishing his meeting with Ali, Ant looked around the ITV studios, they were currently at. He had fallen in love here. He'd fallen out of love here. He had fought here. He had laughed here. He'd cried here. He'd met the love of life here. He'd had lost the love of his life here.

Ant sealed the envelope he was holding and handed it to Ali.
"Make sure Dec gets it please," he told her and she gently smiled back at him. Ali their manager of 10 years... He would have loved to work with her for longer, but that wasn't to be. He took a last glance around the beloved studio and slowly walked out to merge into the swirling mist.

As he walked he looked around. That corner behind the studios, where he had his first kiss with Dec. The street-corner where Declan said 'I love you' for the first time. The bridge, where he told Dec that he had to stop working because of his heart. The restaurant he collapsed in while on a date with Dec. The hospital where Dec waited for him to wake up from his coma. Dec was everywhere. He was part of his soul. He was everything.

He remembered Lisa. She must have felt exactly like this when he broke up with her. At least she had somewhere to go, something to distract her. He had nothing. Even at work Dec was everywhere. Ant now stood on a bridge and looked down into the water. How long would it take for him to drown, he wondered. The deep, gently flowing water beckoned to him. The sparkling blue water reminded him of Dec's eyes...

Ant longed for peace. Everyone at home thought he was at work and everyone from work thought he had taken a day off. Nobody would miss him till the next morning.

Meanwhile at home, Declan woke up and stretched. He looked at Ant's alarm clock and was happy to see it was only 8 o'clock. He had a meeting with Ali at ten, that gives him enough time to take a long shower and have a nice breakfast before he went to the James Grant Agency. When he came out of the shower Dec was wearing Ant's blue bath robe. He liked the scent, it smelled so much of Ant. He loved the scent even though he didn't like his boyfriends behaviour in the past couple of months. Ant's constant jealousy made Dec feel strangled. Ant was behaving like a spoilt brat who didn't want to share his toys with anyone. So he was spending time with Stephen, big f***ng deal. It was only for business. He wasn't going to jump him or anything.

However that idea might be very much liked by his counterpart, thought Dec as he remembered Stephens remarks from the last few days. Yes Stephen was a charmer but he was good to work with and that's all this was. Didn't Ant trust him at all? His boyfriend had been sulking ever since he witnessed Stephens flirt-offensive last week. They hadn't spoken about it. Actually they hadn't talked to each other at all. They'd been like two strangers sharing a bed, for exactly 3 hours every night. He would get to bed at 2am and Ant would get up at 5.

As Dec got dressed he thought about the bigger problem he was facing. That of Martin admitting to him that him and Clare were now a couple. He was happy for his brother, that was not the problem. He hadn't spoken to Clare, though, since he left her for Ant. He didn't know how she felt about it now but he needed to make sure they were okay. Ant wasn't going anywhere so he could easily be relegated to the bottom of Dec's To Do list.

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