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Dec ransacked the room and his worst fears were confirmed. Ant had left his wallet and his mobile phone behind, carefully tucked away in his desk drawer. Dec instantly rang his brother Martin, who was currently in town. Dec needed someone close to him. It took a little while until a very sleepy Martin answered. Annoyed by the noise early in the morning he blurted out,

"Ant" Dec whispered close to tears. Hearing this Martin hurried over to Dec's house. As soon as he arrived Dec shoved the letter into Martin's hands. His brother quickly read through the letter.
"He doesn't say anything about killing himself."
"Yeah he doesn't." Dec said dejectedly.
"Maybe he just left"
"Without his mobile phone and wallet?" Declan asked through gritted teeth as he held up the two items in question
"Have you called the office?" Martin gently enquired
"He isn't there. In fact he's taken a day off." the Geordie almost screamed in frustration. Martin read the letter again.
"He really loves you, you know." He stated the obvious.
Just as they wanted to leave the house the doorbell rang. Dec sprinted to the door and yanked it open with a "Ant!" only to be disappointed by finding a smirking Stephen standing outside.

"Lost your boyfriend Dec?" the man asked with a grin. Stephen had never really liked Ant.
"What is it Stephen? I am sure I told you to stay with Ali." Dec spat at him
"You didn't come back so I thought I'd look for you." the man whined
"You better leave now." Olli ordered.
"Hey if you aren't in the mood to work I am up for just hanging out together."
"Why don't you go hang yourself somewhere else? I have enough problems without you adding to the general confusion." Dec hissed at him.
"Ooooo so Anty boy and you had a fight, huh? I should've guessed when I saw him sulking at the bridge. If you asked ask me, he looked like he was planning to jump off it."
"WHAT? Martin he..." Dec almost collapsed but his brother held him upright
"When did you see him?" Martin asked the man standing outside the door
"When I was on my way here, maybe 10 minutes ago." Stephen said.
"So what did you two fight about Decky? Me?" The presenter asked, smiling gleefully.
"Mart...?" Dec turned pleading eyes to his brother.
"Stephen get the fuck outta here." Martin snarled at the man. Scared by the murderous expression on the Geordie's face Stephen quickly fled.
"Where are your car keys?" Martin gently probed.
"I don't know." Dec said and then whimpered. "Mart ...Anth?"
"Okay ... I'll find the keys." Martin soothed his distraught brother. Handing Declan his coat he instructed, "Kiddo go wait downstairs I'll be there in a sec." When Dec put on his coat Martin heard a jingle.
"Decky what do you have in your pocket?" he questioned. Feeling around in his pockets Dec took out his keys and handed them over with trembling fingers. At any other time Martin would have made fun of Dec's absent mindedness but the situation was just too grave.

"Come on lets go." the older brother coaxed giving the immobile man a gentle shove. They slowly made their way down, when Dec's phone started ringing.
"Hi Dec, it's Ali. Where are you?"
"I... I..."
Martin laid a hand on his brothers shoulder and said, "I'll deal with her. You go and wait by the car."
"Hey Ali, it's Martin here. Listen, Ant isn't feeling, we're just going to pick him up from work. Dec'll be back soon. Why don't you come to his house?"
Before Ali could say anything he hung up and ran out to Dec.
Martin drove swiftly towards the bridge. Beside him Dec sat with both his hands clasped together, eyes closed and lips moving in a silent prayer. As they neared the bridge Martin had to halt the car because of a traffic jam. They could hear the wail of an Ambulance siren. Dec quickly opened the car door and ran towards the gathered crowd.

"What happened?" Dec asked an elderly onlooker as calmly as he could. The man made a regretful face and said sadly,
"Some poor kid jumped in." Martin who had by then caught up with his brother heard the elderly man's answer and said,
"Decky it could be anyone."
Having heard what Martin said, the gentleman asked carefully,
"Did you know that boy, by any chance?"
Instead of answering Martin posed his own question.
"What did he look like?"
"Dark hair, wearing a dark blue jacket with the ITV logo on it. The jacket was the only thing they could fish out." the gentleman completed in a remorseful tone.
"No, it can't be Ant. I'm sure it's someone else's jacket." Dec slowly said trying to reassure himself. One of the emergency medics approached them.

"What name did you just say?" he questioned. Martin stared at the wet jacket the man held and choked out "Ant, Anthony McPartlin."
"This jacket has the letters A and M embroidered on the collar."
Dec looked at the jacket then backed away.
"No, you're lying."
Turning to his brother he begged "Mart tell him not to lie! Anth wouldn't leave me. He promised me."
Dec grabbed the medic by the collar and shook him with all his might.
"You're lying." the presenter screamed and flung him away. He then pushed through the gathered crowd and bolted to his car.
"Who was that man?" the medic demanded angrily.
"The boyfriend of the man whose jacket you're holding." Martin told him sternly
"Oh..." the man carefully handed over the garment and said softly, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for your loss. Please convey my condolences."

Martin couldn't help asking, "But he could have survived, couldn't he?"
The medic looked at Martin with stricken eyes and said carefully
"I'm sorry sir, but we have been combing the area for the last half hour. It's next to impossible he would have survived in the freezing water for more than a couple of minutes even if he had been a strong swimmer. I'm really sorry."
Martin gave his details to the police officer present, so that they could contact him when there was some 'news'. He knew that was only the diplomatic way of officer to say that they would contact him once the body was found. Holding the last artefact of one of his best friends, Martin made his way back to the car wondering how he could console his little brother. He found Dec standing by the car arms crossed at his chest tapping his foot in irritation.

"What took you so long?" Declan demanded.
"I got the jacket."
"I told you it's not his." Dec stated coldly
"Look at it Decky. It is his."
"It's not his!" Dec declared vehemently refusing to even glance at the jacket. Then he ordered his brother to unlock the car.
Unlocking the vehicle Martin carefully laid the jacket on the back seat. Dec strapped himself in and eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead
"Drive. I'm sure he's already home, waiting for us." He ordered his brother again.
Even before the car had stopped properly Declan got out. He flung open the door to his house and looked around intently.
"Ant! I know you're home."
He ran into their bedroom.
"Anthony! Enough of this hide and seek. Please! Where are you?"

Martin watched Dec run off and he finally let a tear escape. He pulled out his phone and rang Clare. As soon as she picked up he said, "Clare, I need you."
He heard the soft tinkle of her laughter.
"Cool down tiger, I'm in the middle of work."
"No, not like that..." he let out a controlled sob.
"Honey! What's wrong?" Martin heard his girlfriend's alarmed voice
"Clare ...Ant..." his throat closed up with tears.
"Martin...Honey, what happened to Ant?" she gently pried.
"Ant... he... he committed suicide. Please I need you. Dec has gone into denial. I don't know how to handle him."
"I'll be right there. Hang on baby. I'll be right there." Clare assured and cut the connection.

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