Sunday Midday

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Sunday Midday

Martin tried calling Dec's mobile phone for the 18th time. But every time got the same exact response "Hello you've reached Declan Donnelly. I'm either busy working or busy kissing my boyfriend so I can't attend to you right now. So just leave your name and number after the beep and I'll get back to you once Ant lets me breathe again. Bye!"
"Fuck!" Martin growled and almost flung his mobile phone away, but thankfully was able to control himself at the last moment. Martin's already over active imagination now went into overdrive. All kinds of scenarios popped into his head.
*Maybe Dec has slashed his wrists* he thought in a panic. He ran out of the hotel to the parking lot. Jumping onto the bike he had rented, he started to race towards his brothers house.
*Oh God! I should never have left you alone! Please be alright* Martin kept praying as his bike zoomed through the streets of Chiswick. Having reached the house Martin hurriedly put his key into the lock, twisted it and flung open the front door. The house was silent as a cemetery. He ran into the bathroom and whipped away the shower curtains. Thank god, Dec's prone body wasn't in it. He hurried back out. That's when his eyes fell on the stack of unwashed dishes and containers of unfinished food. That meant Dec was hopefully fine and most probably asleep again. But just to be on the safe side, he decided to check up on his devastated little brother.

Ant crawled down Dec's body and got under the blanket, his hand caressing down his boyfriends chest, his lips leaving open mouth kisses along the crease of Dec's hip until they reached his target. Dec moaned and grabbed the sheets.
Martin heard the moan as he reached the bedroom door. His brother seemed to be in pain. Twisting the door handle, Martin flung open the door and loudly enquired, "Decky are you alright?" as he hit the light switch beside the door bathing the room with brightness. Dec blinked at Martin and the older brother blinked back as he took in Dec's nude chest and the large bump under the blanket.
"BLOODY HELL DECLAN! ANT HAS BEEN GONE FOR NOT EVEN A WEEK AND YOU'VE ALREADY FOUND A NEW BOY FOR BED. WASN'T HE SUPPOSED TO BE THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE? YOU DISGUST ME!" he yelled insults at Declan in seething fury as he neared the foot of the bed. Martin hit the bump under the blanket and commanded with venom in his tone, "Who ever the fuck you are, come out from under there right this second."
Ant lifted the blanket the slightest bit so he could look up into Dec's face and whispered "Should I?"
Dec whispered back, "Go right ahead. Give him the shock of his life,"
"What? Shock of my liEEEEEEEEEE..." Martin shrieked as the blanket flew away and he saw who had been under it. Throwing off the blanket Ant jumped out of bed and stood before Martin in all his naked glory.
"Hi Mart. How have YOU been?"
Martin's mouth fell open and his eyes bugged out.
"Ant, it really you?"
"In the flesh," He confirmed with a dazzling grin.

Martin suddenly realised that both his brother and his boyfriend were stark naked. He whipped around so he was facing away from them and mumbled in mortification, "Both of you. Do you mind ...umm covering up."
He could make out the two of them moving around behind him, hopefully putting on their clothes.
"Are you both decent now?" Martin asked awkwardly.
"Yes we are!" the pair chorused.
"You really are alive?" Martin exclaimed again as he turned to face the lovers who sat cuddled up on the bed.
"Nope, I'm a zombie!" Ant answered with a straight face. "Decky performed voodoo and raised me from the dead."
"Ha ha ha." Martin answered and made a face.
"Littlen, what happened to your face?" he questioned Dec when he suddenly realised his brother was sporting an angry bruise.
"The dining table and I had a slight disagreement." Dec mumbled in embarrassment.
Martin then pinned Ant with his gaze.
"So, if you're not dead, then where were you all week?" he enquired
The couple looked at each other and smiled. Ant then answered, "Okay, make yourself comfortable and I'll narrate you through my epic adventures"

Martin took a seat at desk as Ant started his story
"I didn't even know you two were even friends." Martin exclaimed in astonishment.
"Oh right! Yeah! That's exactly how a friend behaves. Only a true friend pushes you off a bridge into the freezing river below." Dec said snidely
"You know what I mean, Decky." Martin said realising his faux-pas.
"There's alway been some kind of friendship since we met..." Ant instantly said diffusing the heated situation.
Martin slapped his forehead and exclaimed in shock "Oh My God! This explains everything. I thought what I saw was nonsense or my misinterpretation of innocent actions. I thought it was just my overactive imagination. But now it all makes sense. Those secret looks, those hidden smiles. It all makes perfect logical sense now."

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