Saturday Evening

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Saturday Evening

As the last lost memories of the morning he left Dec and landed up in the river came back to him in High definition and Dolby surround sound he realised that Declan had reached home. Ant merged back into the shadows. He watched Dec open the door and slam it shut once he was inside. He wanted to rush over and bang on the door. He wanted to be back in Declan's arms. He wanted Dec to tell him he had missed him. He wanted ... he just wanted Dec to love him again. But his wants no longer mattered to Dec. Ant crossed the street. He sat down on a bench and stared unblinking up at the windows of the house. He saw the lights come on indicating that Dec had entered the living room. He looked down the road and saw the dark building which was Ant and Dec Productions and remembered that it was closed because of the death of a family member of Dec's. Who the heck had died? One of his siblings? Or was it Anne? Or was it... Had Alph died?
He should have been there for Dec in his time of grief and despair. But Declan didn't need him any longer. He had another shoulder to lean on. A shoulder which led to a hand that would soon be adorned by one of the rings that Dec had just bought.

Ant needed to get his belongings, though. He could go back and stay with the Smiths for the night and then tomorrow he would search for the an apartment in Newcastle maybe. He wandered the street aimlessly, gazed into shop windows to entertain himself. But even after two hours he couldn't build up enough courage to face Dec. His stomach growled. He needed food but he wasn't going to go begging to Dec. He thought of the five pounds Tanja had slipped into his pocket in case he needed anything. But he decided against using it. He had taken enough advantage of the old couple already. As he continued walking wondering how to deal with the hunger problem he was facing, a name popped into his mind and his mood instantly brightened. Christian's! That man would definitely give him something to eat. That man would do anything for him. He entered the little fish and chips shop and headed straight for the cash counter.

"Hey!" he cheerfully greeted Christian. The man's face paled and his eyes bulged in shock when he saw Ant. He screamed, "ANTHONY!"
"Yes!" Ant answered wincing from the intensity of the shriek.
"Yo...You're Alive?" The shop owner stammered.
"Of course I'm alive," Ant frowned
"But you committed suicide,"
"What gave you that idea?" Anthony asked his frown getting deeper.
"You jumped off the bridge!"
"Of course I didn't" Ant started to get irritated.
"Oh God does Dec know you're alive?" Christian asked in a concerned voice.
"I haven't been to the house yet." Ant answered him sheepishly
"Then you better get home quickly. Declan is at the end of his tether. Last time I saw him he looked more dead than alive. And he even everyone to leave him alone for tonight. You better get home quick before he does something stupid." Christian advised. As he had been speaking the shop owner had filled two large Styrofoam boxes with food. He shoved the boxes into Ant's hand.
"For Dec and you. Now get going."

Ant rushed out of the shop, running towards his home as fast as his feet could carry him. As he struggled to get the door open, he saw a note still stuck in the letter box. He couldn't believe his eyes. It was the announcement of the closing of Ant & Dec Productions and Dec had put his name as proprietor as well, although he'd given his shares to Dec. With his injured hand he somehow managed to unlock and open the door. He was finally in. Standing int the hallway, he was now facing the door to the living room. He took a deep breath and turned the door handle. He slowly pushed the door open and found himself facing Dec back, which shook as the smaller man sobbed. He heard a soft snap and watched as Declan placed the open ring box beside his empty plate. Then came the slurred sobbed words:
"I, Declan Joseph Oliver Donnelly, take you Anthony David McPartlin, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part.
Just as this ring has no end or beginning, so shall my love for you be. As I place it on your finger, I give you all that I am, and all that I shall become."

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