Text #68!

231 14 12

Yukino: So I heard Fairy Tail is doing a Fantasia parade again?

Lucy: Yep!

Yukino: Awesome! Is it okay if I come along to watch?

Lucy: Absolutely! :)

Yukino: I can't wait to see what you and the rest of Fairy Tail display!

Lucy: oh.. I'm not performing this year... ^_^"

Yukino: WHAT!! Why not??

Lucy: .....I'm pregnant.....


Lucy: Thanks XD There's actually something I wanted to ask you...

Lucy: Yukino, would you do the honours of being the Godmother?

Lucy: Yukino?

Lucy: You there?

Yukino: Hi this is Rogue.. Yukino fainted and Sting saw this text conversation... So now he's screaming the news to everyone here at Sabertooth...

Lucy: Kill me now. -_-

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