12) Jupiter

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Lucy hasn't returned yet, from getting some food, and it has just started to rain out of nowhere. It was completely cloud free for hours. And I haven't heard anything from the others, who decided to give Phantom a 'visit'. After the vision about my past, have my desire for meeting my brother only grew. I wanna forgive him for leaving me to the guild. He just did the right thing. Anyway, I waited for hours for Lucy's return, but she never came back. Because of that, have I immediately informed the others.

''It is weird for Lucy to disappear like that. Maybe Phantom have something to do with it.'' Muttered Mirajane out loud and look at the ceiling.

''I hope not.'' I said and take a sip of the smoothie I got, when I got back to the guild.

''How is Shadow Gear?'' Ask Mirajane, trying to change the subject.

''They are doing fine.'' Is all I said. Before Mirajane could say anything else, open the guild doors and many footsteps coming down the stairs. Erza is the first person out of many of the guild members.

''What happened?'' Ask Mira to Erza.

''Master got his power sucked right out of him. We needed to retreat.'' Answer Erza, with her head down. I feel bad for the others. Maybe if I was there, could we have a better chance.

''Oi, where is Natsu and Lucy?'' Ask Gray.

''We think element 4 got Lucy.'' Answer Mirajane with a gloom look.

''Then Natsu is on his way to get her, what a man.'' Mumble Elfman and take a seat to rest, like all the others. Maybe it is for the best that they retreated. This guild cares for their members like family and will do anything to protect them. But I do see Loke walk out again, looking serious. Wonder where he is going?

''(Y/N), help me treat their wounds.'' Call out Mirajane. I immediately looked back and nodded, then called Poison out again to help.

 I immediately looked back and nodded, then called Poison out again to help

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The wounds were both big and small. I took the small injuries, while Poison took care of the big ones. After I finished, did I start serving drinks to the guild, giving some strength back to them. I may be small, but I can help and I know some of the basics. Also I have watched Mirajane do it. I look over to Mirajane and see she sent Al and Bisca to give grandpa to a friend of his, so he can heal and get his strength back.

''Maybe you should have warned them about aunty having a problem with humans.'' I whispered to Mirajane as I passed by. She chuckled a little and took the plate from me. This has gone by for an hour.

''I know, but maybe you could help making Lucy happy again with your charm.'' She suggested and pointed towards the barrel, where Lucy is sitting. I nodded and walked over to them.

''But it came as a shock to me. Why did you hide the truth, Lucy?'' Ask Happy as I walk closer to them.

''I wasn't trying to hide anything. After I ran away from home, I didn't really want to talk about it. For a full year, he never showed any interest in his runaway daughter. And now he wants me back? My father want to such terrible lengths to take me back...'' Explain Lucy, feeling really down.

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