88) Start of the final day

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3rd POV

The final battle at the final day of Grand Magic Game. Five of the six participating teams are on the run to eliminate each other, but one team is standing still at the same location. Eyes closed and all. At the mean time does the other teams get points after the other, with Quatro Cerberus losing all members and get eliminated, without getting any points.

''Mavis.'' Whispered (Y/N) and get the astral spirits attention. ''It is almost  time.''

''I know.'' Agreed Mavis and look back at the screen emotionless. 

''What are they doing? They got to win to help Lucy.'' Complained Makarov, which make Mavis smile a little.

''That is why. That is why they must be calm. From all of the previous competitions, have I observed the enemies fighting strength, magic, psychology and behavioral patterns. I took it all into account and ran hundreds of millions of battle simulations in my head. Their movements, predictions and results, locations. It's all gone according to my calculations. I have already told them the strategy.'' Inform Mavis. Makarov and the other look confused at the first master, except (Y/N). Team Fairy Tail finally open their eyes. ''Lead your comrades to victory... That is my war. Begin Operation: Fairy Star.''

''Roger.'' The five members run and split up. The hole crowd cheered because now will the real show begin.

''Finally. Fairy Tail has finally started to move.'' Announce Chapati Rola. 

''Everyone, spread out. Please proceed to the next checkpoint.'' Continue Mavis talking to the thin air.

''N-Number One...'' Mumble Makarov, out of word for this upcoming strategi. 

''At this point, there is a 97% chance Rufus will make a move.'' Says Mavis and (Y/N) nodded in agreement. On top of a roof in the middle of the city, is Rufus standing there, ready to cast a spell.

''I see them. My enemy tracking ability really shouldn't be underestimated. I will take them all off the board at once. Memory Make. Night of Falling Stars.'' The same magic that Rufus used at the first day of the games.

''Ignore the lights in the sky and in two seconds, you can dodge it.'' Advise Mavis. Four of the team did as told and jump away right on time.

''How many times would you think I would fall for the same trick?'' Says Gray to no one, but it is a clear message to Rufus himself.

''This magic is attribute is lightning. Only Laxus should block it.'' Continue Mavis. Laxus look at the ball of energy and let it hit him, but it doesn't affect him at all.

''It doesn't even tickle.'' Mocked Laxus and continue forward.

''What? He stopped it?'' Says Rufus shocked.

''The enemy is shaken and his thoughts are disordered. Because of those disordered thoughts, is there a 68% chance Rufus will try to approach us. There is a 32% chance he will stand by at his current location. But even in that case, it doesn't have much of an effect on our strategy.'' Explain Mavis emotionless. (Y/N) then speak up with extra info.

''Rufus magic is based by Memory, so if he is moving, would he probably be in a place with lot of magic spells he can memorize. So he will go to the library.'' Mavis nodded at that.

''At this point, Erza will make contact with an enemy by proceeding northwest.'' And Mavis is right. Erza meet up with Blue Pegasus, Jenny.

''Number One was right.'' Praised Erza and look at Jenny.

''Eh, Erza.'' Mumble Jenny scared and run away.

''What a scary opponent.'' Joked Erza.

''Escape and live to fight another day.'' Says Jenny, but Erza cut her off running and defeat her in one blow. Next up is Gajeel who meet three more from Blue Pegasus, the Trimens. He take out Eve with ease. Ren suggest Hibiki to run away, but got hit in the stomach by Gajeel. Hibiki run away, shocked that this doesn't go as calculated, but he then meet Gray who froze him in place. 

''Gray, after you take out the enemy who escaped to the water fountain plaza, go directly to point B4.'' Says Mavis. The score board now show that Fairy Tail and Sabertooth are sharing first place.

''Oh, boy. After getting a succession of points, Fairy Tail has tied it up with Sabertooth.'' Says Chapati Rola. 

''What spirit-kabo.'' Says the guess commentator.  

''Number One's strategy is right on target.'' Cheered Jet.

''Seriously?'' Cheered Droy too.

''Juvia, scan for enemies while supporting the rear guard. Laxus, continue to F8. Erza, go to S5. There is enemy movement in that area.'' Continue Mavis and doesn't stop. Then Makarov remember something about Mavis calculation.

''I just remembered your nickname, Number One... With that genius eye for strategy, you attained victory in a number of wars. The Fairy Tactician.'' Says Makarov.

''That girl can do anything.'' Mumble Macao happily behind the two masters. 

''She isn't just a soothing presence.'' Added Wakaba beside Macao.

''Maybe you see her like that, but she did create Fairy Tail...'' Commended Lisanna.

''Yeah, although now she is a ghost...'' Commended Cana to. At the battle field is Ichiya by the frozen Hibiki, but got hit by Jura.

''Jura of the Ten Great Wizard Saints gets 5 points for taking out Ichiya, the leader of Blue Pegasus.'' Announce Chapati Rola.

''Befitting one of the strongest wizards in this tournament-kabo.'' At the other side of the battle field has Cheria hit Risley and score another point. With that the score shows that Lamia Scales is sharing first place with Fairy Tail and Sabertooth.

''Hey, Number One, what are they ultimately gonna do about Jura?'' Ask Cana.

''Have you given thought to him?'' Ask Lisanna too.

''I have thought about him, but I culdn't come up with a way to deal with him. That shows how exceptionally strong Jura is.'' Informed Mavis.

''But, I could almost defeat him in the sparring if the time wasn't 30 minutes. That is why I had a suggestion of how to defeat Jura.'' Added (Y/N) with a smile.

''The Grand Magic Game continues to be a breathtaking battle. And I predict the fighting is only going to get fiercer.'' Says Chapati as the Lacrima show Gray walking into the Library. 

''I was told I would meet you if I came here. Chalk up another one for Number One and (Y/N).'' Says Gray and look at his opponent. Rufus Lore.

''I almost forgot about you. Will you help me remember?'' Ask Rufus and smirk.

''Don't bother racking your brain about it. This is the end of the line for you.'' Says Gray and stand in fighting position. 

''Oh, my. Fairy Tail's Gray and Sabertooth's Rufus are going to duel in the library area.'' Announce Chapati. (Y/N) clench her hands, nervous for the battle. She really hope she could help Gray when they planned the strategy last night. But she is also nervous for her brother. She now he is super strong, but that doesn't mean she still can be scared for him. 

''Let's see who will win.'' Thought (Y/N) and remember back to last night.

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