19) Battle of Fairy Tail

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3rd POV

More guild members are fighting each other, inside one of Freeds multiple rune traps, in order to continue finding Laxus and defeat him. Little (Y/N) haven't found any of her missing keys yet and Silver can't help finding them, not until she finds his key. And to speak about pressure, is Natsu's anger really getting out of hand.

''I WANNA JOIN, TOO.'' Shouts Natsu with his face against the barrier to get through it. But the rune wall didn't budge one bit.

''THAT IS WHAT HE IS UPSET ABOUT?'' Shouts master and Happy together, not believing the idiot of a Dragon Slayer.

''What is with this invisible wall?'' Ask Natsu and bang on the wall, completely ignoring the red runes.

''And what do you plan to do by joining in?'' Ask Makarov and hit Natsu in the head.

''It's a tournament to see who's the strongest.'' Defend Natsu.

''How is this a tournament?'' Argue Makarov back, making Natsu flinch. ''This is all Laxus's plan to get us to wipe each other out. Unless we can defeat the Raijin Tribe within the time limit, Erza and the other girls will turn to dust.'' Makarov takes a deep breath and look over to the girls on stage. ''Everyone is doing whatever they can to prevent that. It will need something more than our usual way of thinking to take control of the situation. At this rate everyone who was turned to stone will crumble into dust. There won't be any way to restore them.''

''Laxus acts bad, but he ain't gonna go that far. Yeah, he gets on my nerves, but he is a fellow guild member. It's a bluff, obviously.'' Says Natsu firmly, but still eager to go out there and fight him. Master thought he got something, but Natsu just ruined it by trying to get out, again. Makarov wanna scold him again, when the status runes changes. A new update to the 'game' and over half of the guild members are out, defeated.

''Grandpa. I can't find my keys, and I can't watch our family fight. It is really scary'' Cry (Y/N)'s voice inside his head. Natsu and Happy happen to hear it too and got worried for the youngest member.

''Just ignore it. They are acting like brats, so think of it as a normal day in the guild.'' Says calmly to ease the young girl's mind and make her focus on her own task.

''(Y/N). I saw your name on the board. You defeated Freed?'' Ask Natsu to the mid air.

''No I didn't, but I made him rewrite the trap, so I could escape.'' Answer (Y/N), proudly of her plan. Natsu smirked at the clever girl. ''I can use some of my power without my keys, but not the strongest spell.''

''Just focus on finding your keys.'' Order Makarov.

''Okay.'' Cheered (Y/N) and continued running towards the south park. She got a feeling that some of them were there. ''If I can get just one of them, then I can call for the rest. The keys are bound together. If one of the spirits have a master, then the rest is include.''


As I kept running towards the park, do I noticed the side effect of this ridiculous game. Many buildings have been destroyed a little. The magical present of my family is getting lower. Which means, only a few remain. The park looks like it's unharmed, for now. My keys are here somewhere and I have to find them quickly. I check some bushes and trees, but no luck, so I move to the other entrance to the park, when I get a sight of them in the hands of some trouble maker.

''Give back my keys, please.'' I said nice and cute.

''No way, child. Finders keepers.'' Mocked one of them. I sighed and took one more step.

''I will give you one last chance. Please return my keys.'' I kindly ask them again, but merely give me time to feel the presence of the keys. I feel the icy cold air coming from one of them.

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