34) Gildarts return

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Normal day for Fairy Tail, except the fact that the church bells have been ringing a lot lately. Well it just mean he is back. 

''Natsu, the bells are ringing witch mean he is back.'' I run out to the balcony and see Natsu really happy to hear the bells.

''I know.'' Cheered Natsu and lift me up so I can sit on the railing.

''Magnolia will now change to Gildarts Shift. Residents, please move to the designated areas.'' Says the weird flying speaker. The bells rang it's last one, and the city starts to move in different direction. Up, left, right and make a passage for Gildarts.

''It's still amazing to watch.'' I was three years old last time I saw this, but this is still amazing that the city can do this.

''Let's go inside and greet him.'' Says Happy. I nodded and Natsu lift me up again and run down stairs.

''Gildarts, fight me.'' Ask Natsu when we get down stairs. Natsu let me down and I run over the strongest wizard in this guild.

''Welcome back.'' Says Mira.

''Miss, I was pretty sure there was a guild named Fairy Tail here...'' Gildarts doesn't remember that this is the guild. He even miss the big name at the entrance.

''This is it. Oh, and I am Mirajane.'' Says Mira.

''Yeah, and do you remember me, (Y/N). Fairy Tail's little fairy.'' I pull Gildarts cape to get his attention.

''Mira? (Y/N)? Oh, You have both really changed. And wow, the guild is brand-new.'' Says Gildarts empresses. Natsu of course ask to fight him, but he some how ended up on the roof. Gildarts is so strong.

''You ain't changed a bit, Pops.'' Says Gray.

''A man among men.'' Says Elfman.

''There are faces I never seen before... Things sure have changed...'' Mumble Gildarts with a smile.

''Gildarts. How did the job go?'' Ask master. Gildarts start laughing. What's funny?

''No good. It's impossible for me.'' Answered Gildarts. Something Gildarts couldn't do. That's rare.

*Time skip*

Next day has Gildarts said he wanna take a break, witch is fine. Everyone need a rest or two sometime.

''Thank you (Y/N).'' I have give Gildarts his beer. The guild have calmed down a little about him never finish the hundred year quest. 

''Hey, Gildarts. You never going to believe it but I am allowed to go on request now.'' I said and sit next to him at the bar.

''Oh really?'' I nodded and stand up on the seat.

''I even safe the guild and the city two times. First our attack from Phantom Lord, then the battle of Fairy Tail. I am so strong, that you won't believe me.'' I said proudly. Gildarts chuckle and make me sit down again.

''I believe in you, because I have heard a certain little girl could use a strong protective spell. I could only guess it was you.'' Gildarts rub my head with a smirk on his face.

''Yeah, she is strong for her size and age.'' Added grandpa. He has his own beer. ''She maybe even meet her brother for a short time.''

''Really. What did he look like?'' I shake my head sadly.

''I don't know. I meet a group of boys and one of them dropped his wallet. My brother was one of the others, so I can't figur it out yet who it was. But it still amazing I was so close to my brother.'' I smiled at last to ease the sad atmosphere.

''You will meet him one day, that's for sure.'' Says Gildarts at last. ''Oh, witch remind me. What about the big event next month, master?'' Grandpa think for a second.

''It's ready and all. (Y/N) I wan't you to come with. Poison could be useful and you always wanted to come with us. What do you say?'' I already know what they are talking about.

''I really wanna come.'' Grandpa nodded and drink the rest of his beer. ''I gonna go and train with Poison then. See ya later.''

''See ya.''

*Time skip*

I didn't know that I could use requip to every magic. Poison gave me bow lessons, because it's a good way to give people poison than let them inhale it. My muscle are so sore right now that I can't feel them. 

''Sometime is training so hard that I can't feel my muscle anymore until next morning.'' I whined a little. I hear a chuckle when I pass a tree towards Fairy hill.

''You are just working hard to reach your goal.'' It's a boy. The voice is so familiar to me.

''Who's there. I am not afraid to use my power on you.'' I try to say that bravely, but it sounds more like a scared cat.

''It's just good to see you personal this time.'' The boy step out and I regnise him.

''You are one of the boys from Fantasia.'' The boy nodded. He have long blond hair and seems like he is wearing a mask. Forest green eyes.

''Your brother, yeah.'' My brother?

''Nii-san...'' Tears fill my eyes and stream down. ''Nii-san.'' I try to hug him but I ran through him. ''What?'' I mumble.

''Sorry, but I am not here actually. Just wanna see how you are doing, and also give you an idea on how I look like. Don't be mad at me, but I can't be you for a long time. This would be last you see me for quite some years.'' Explain nii-san.

''You may have your reason, but what is your name?'' If I can't meet him for many years, at least I can get his name.

''Sorry, but you can't get my name. I promise to always have this kind of style, that way it is easier for you. I will always be with you even if I am not there. Remember that.'' I couldn't ask more before nii-san disappeared from my sight. 

''(Y/N), what are you doing out here?'' Erza come from behind me and see my tears.

''Erza. I saw him, my brother. I couldn't get his name and I won't be able to see him again for many years.'' I cried into her shoulder.

''We find him. I promise.'' Says Erza and lift me up. We get inside and Eza take me to the bath. We bath together and I tell her what my brother looked like and what he said, and she eventually make me smile again.

''Goodnight Erza.'' Erza tuck me to bed after the bad.

''Goodnight. Sweet dreams.'' Erza kiss my forehead and shut off the light. The walls are glowing a little with silhouettes of people playing in a forest, under the star night.

''I won't give up on finding you... Nii-san.''

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