78) Her true power

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3rd POV

''Do you know what it means to dis Sabertooth? I am going to teach you with her body.'' Says Minerva evilly. Then bells ring.

''The referee has stopped it. The competition is over. The winner is Minerva. Sabertooth really is strong. Lucy hasn't moved for a while, but is she okay?'' Ask Chapati Rola. Fairy Tail A team jump off the railing towards the dangling Lucy. Minerva, in all her glory, release Lucy and let her fall. Luckily catch Gray and Natsu her in time before she hit the ground, but she isn't breathing normally. 

''Are you okay? Hang in there.'' Ask Gray worried. Natsu look at Minerva angrily. 

''How could you do this to her, you witch?'' Ask Natsu and feel his blood boil.

''Get the Celestial Spirit Wizard to the infirmary immediately.'' Command the boss of all the soldiers.

''No. I will give her emergency treatment first.'' Says Wendy and run over to Lucy.

''I will help you.'' Says Cheria and run to with Juvia beside her.

''Lucy, hang in there.'' Even as a 'love rival' is Lucy still a comrade. Erza arrived to and have a glim at Lucy, but turn her hattres to the one that did this. Minerva slide down the water sphere and land gracefully on the ground, smirking.

''What are you staring at?'' Ask Minerva at Erza.

''Lucy-san.'' Wendy and Cheria stop beside Lucy and start treating her.

''She is terrebly wounded, but if we do it together...'' Says Cheria and use her magic to. Lucy start breathing normally again.

''I asked you, what are you looking at? I acted within the rules of the competition.'' Says Minerva at Erza and Natsu.

''Rules, you say? You mean torturing an opponent who already lost?'' Ask Erza, but with a statement.

''The crowd ate it up, didn't they?'' Chuckle Minerva and don't care for Lucy's health. ''Lucy should be grateful. I let her be in second place. Even though the girl is a useless piece of garbage...''

''What?'' Grumble Natsu. The rest of Sabertooth, not including Rouge and the exceeds, then stood in front of Minerva, ready to fight if it has come to that conclusion. Natsu held back, cause he know they be in trouble for starting a fight out of the competition. 

''Uh-oh. What is this? Are both teams about to rumble?'' Ask Chapati Rola and the crowd start getting excited. Fairy Tail vs Sabertooth. (Y/N) look around, feeling her blood boil of anger of how origant these people are. As she look at the wounded Lucy, can't she take it anymore. As the crowd chant 'fight', stand (Y/N) up from the railing. Erza step forward.

''I don't care if you are the strongest or number one in Fiore, I will just tell you one thing. You people... have made an enemy out of the one guild you don't want to anger.'' Even with Erza treat, doesn't shake Sabertooth at all. Erza turn around and without saying anything, follow Natsu and Gray to Lucy.

''Hmph, like that gonna say anything for the weakest guild in Fiore, in the hole world.'' Mocked Minerva. Wrong move.

''URUSAI.'' The hole crowd went quite and everyone on the arena stand still. Standing on the railing from Fairy Tail, is (Y/N) so mad. With one push of her leg and she jump all the way to the arena and stand between Fairy Tail and Sabertooth.

''You again.'' Mumble Minerva.

''You say you act within the rules, then you should know that it is against the rules to beat an opponent so badly that they are at the dead's door. And that...'' (Y/N) point towards the wounded Lucy. ''is the dead's door. If we didn't have two magical healers, then Lucy wouldn't be here anymore and the consequences for that is your guild will be banned from entering the Grand Magic Game, forever. Not only the guild, but mainly the five members that are participating.'' Shouts (Y/N) so that everyone can hear her clearly.

''What do you know. You are just a kid.'' Says Minerva back, her smirk has fall long ago. 

''Cause I have read the rule book with Levy... And this kid can do more than you thing.'' With a snap of her finger, turn the hole atmosphere into blackness. Every people shined and are still at their place, but everything else is dark. The arena is gone, the sky is total black and the floor make it looks like we are walking on thin air. 

''(Y/N), no. Calm down.'' Says Gray and come to (Y/N)'s side, but she ignores him.

''I am the descendant of Galexia, the chosen one to follow her path as the first mage, the creator of magic. And in that position can I do anything. I can use every magic in the hole world, I can even removed magic from those who isn't worthy with a snap from my fingertips. Life and death is also in my possession, so you can say I have the hole world right in my hand and can do anything I want with it.'' Ask (Y/N) explain, different color of ethernano in the air, lighting the darkness and creating a galaxy like atmosphere and some are close together, making a big illusion of Galexia. Long white hair and a colorful gown, standing in the same position as (Y/N) and talk as (Y/N) speak. And to make it more scary, show (Y/N) all her magical pressure and it's huge. Something no one has ever feel their entire life. Even Minerva is shocked to feel this pressure. ''Do you want me to continue, Minerva?'' Sabertooth doesn't sat anything at all. No one is saying anything.

''They understand, (Y/N). Now relax, please.'' Says Gray and place a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder. (Y/N) snap her finger and everything is back to normal. (Y/N) then take a big deep breath and smile at Gray. 

''Okay. I just hope my point came out clearly.'' Cheered (Y/N) with a big smile. The hole arena lost their color at the now happy girl.

''They totally got it. Now let's go. Lucy need treatment in the infirmary.'' Gray takes (Y/N)'s hand and guide her towards the rest. But (Y/N) stopped, making Gray look at her.

''One more thing, which is not breaking the rules.'' (Y/N) smirked and look at Minerva. For a second nothing happen, until the noise of something getting ripped off. Minerva feel cold and look at her body, only to see her almost naked with a little pieces of cloths covering the delicate parts, but is still showing most of them. 

''Wah, you little piece of trash.'' Muttered Minerva, but said it loud and clearly. She tries to cover herself, but that doesn't mean the crowd hasn't seen her beautiful formed body. 

''See ya, when Fairy Tail wins the games.'' Says (Y/N) and wave as she walk together with the rest of Fairy Tail so that Lucy can get into the infirmary. On the way to the infirmary, laugh the mages at what (Y/N) did to Minerva.

''It was a bad thing to do to her, but she defiantly deserved it.'' Says Erza with a smirk.

''I know, but it was really funny.'' Giggle (Y/N) as they arrived at the infirmary. The guards carefully place Lucy down the bed and left us alone. Polyushka start putting bandage on Lucy.

''(Y/N), make a quick check on her body, so we are sure that she isn't in any danger. Just to be sure.'' (Y/N) nodded and do as Polyushka said. There is nothing to worry about. All they can do now is waiting.

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