29) Let's return home

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''I see that my planned work. You come just in time to help.'' I cheered to my new friends. You may ask what happen and all, but master told me to remain safe so after giving Midnight to Rune Knight, did I wait at Caitshelder. My plan with Christina worked. It buy the team some time to destroy lacrima in each leg and destroy Nirvana.

''It was a really amazing idea.'' Says Eve and rub my head. Now the battle is over and a little party is held. 

''Also, Brain sounds like a big jerk when he is Zero.'' I added and giggle. Apparently he was a psycho when all six seals were off. I have told what I did to Cobra to Erza. She thought I did the right thing, but on the inside is she sad because Jellal is imprison. I let her be by herself. I step outside and walk over to the ladies tend. Sherry is standing in front of the mirror and looking at her cloths. Lucy and Erza has almost the same kind cloths. I wear the same dress as Wendy.

''The entire village here is part of the guild, so clothing production is thriving business.'' Wendy explained something to the girls.

''Is it some kind of Nirvit traditional sewing?'' Ask Lucy.

''Now that I think about it... Maybe it is?'' Answer Wendy honestly.

''You didn't realize that the guild was all descendants of Nirvit, did you?'' Ask Sherry and finally look away from the mirror.

''Well, I am the only one who joined afterwards.'' Explain Wendy.

''Don't blame Wendy for not knowing okay. That was a surprise news to all of us.'' I added in the conversation.

''Speaking of which, Wendy... When did Caitselter join the League of Guilds?'' Ask Sherry curios. ''I apologize for being blunt, but until this mission began, had I not even heard your guild's name.'' That is actually true, there is something wrong with this guild.

''Now that you mention it, neither had I.'' Add Lucy. Wendy laugh nervously at that. She didn't know.

''Who cares? Everyone is waiting...'' Says Carla and walk outside with Wendy. We others follow her and stand near our guild member. Master of Caitselter is standing in front of all of his guild member, with Wendy by his side.

''Fairy Tail... Blue Pegasus... Lamia Scale... Also, Wendy and Carla. You have done well in defeating Oracion Seis and stopping Nirvana. As a representative for the local League of Guilds, I, Robaul, say job well done. Thank you.'' The master started giving a speak, but I got a feeling that there is something else  he wanna talk about. ''Nabula. Thank you.'' Then Ichiya pops out of no where.

''It was our pleasure, master Robaul. The fight with Oracion Seis was one fierce battle after the next. There was not a single easy battle. But the bonds between us allies led us on the path to victory.'' Ichiya finish and then the Trimen agreed with him.

''These guys are freaking weirdos.'' I whispered to Gray's ear.

''You are right.'' He agreed with me and sweat-drop.

''They are taking our credit.'' I added.

''Oh sure, just take all the good parts for yourself.'' Mumble Gray then Lucy comes in

''Did he even fight anyone?'' Good question Lucy.

''You are supposed to throw a party now, right?'' Shouts Natsu and cheered. Why did you say that. Hearing the word party make Ichiya start singing into a carrot, and the Trimen sing with him. They also dance weird.

''A party?'' Sighed Gray. I turn around and see him shirtless again.

''And off go the clothes. You, too.'' Exclaimed Lucy. Lyon is also shirtless. At the guild would someone block my eyes, but come on, I have seen Gray naked, this is nothing. My gaze return to the Caitselter member. They aren't happy and not smiling. Something is defiantly wrong.

''I can't sense any magical power from any of you. Only you Robaul. Did you make all the guild member by using an illusion?'' I blurted out. Me and my big mouth. I make everyone stop dancing and take a good look. There is a big silent.

''Everyone... I am truly sorry about hiding our legacy as Nirvit.'' Start Robaul. A little more silent.

''You ruined the mood to say that?'' Comes Happy.

''We really don't mind at all.'' Added Natsu.

''Not the time, Happy and Natsu.'' I smack them in the head and sound like a kid trying to be angry, but hey, I am a kid.

''Master, I don't mind either.'' Says Wendy, but that didn't change the situation.

''Everyone, please listen carefully to what I am about to say. To start, we are not the descendants of the Nirvit. We are Nirvit themselves. 400 years ago, it was I who created Nirvana.'' What? 400 year. That was a surprise to us all. ''400 years ago, in order to stop the war that was raging across the world, I created Nirvana, a magic that inverts light and darkness. Nirvana became our country, and, for a time, we realized peace. However... Great power will, without fail, give rise to a great power opposing it. As much Nirvana changed darkness for light, Nirvana itself became wrapped in darkness. It was to maintain balance. And the one who did it was, Galexia.'' Her again? ''It was impossible to change people's personalities to light without limit. As light rises to oppose the darkness, so does darkness rise to oppose the light, without fail. The darkness lost from the various people came back upon us Nirvit. It was hell.'' Continued Robaul. And I finish.

''And that's why there was a war. You killed each other. Until no one was left. And you are the last survivor.'' I finish for him.

'''Well, at this point, that's not exactly right. My physical body has long perished. I am what you might call a spectral form now. Or rather, a weak ghost trying to atone for his sins of the past.'' Poor old man. Can't rest in peace. He stayed for so long to wait for the time when Nirvana would be destroyed. And it's now. Robaul start flicker and each of Caitselter member start to disappear one by one. Wendy and Carla is freaking out. Robaul admit it all was an illusion.

''Say what?'' Shouts Natsu.

''Illusion with their own personalities?'' Ask Lyon. 

''What incredible magic power.'' Add Jura. He is right, even I can't do that. Then Robaul explain how Wendy got here. A boy that looks like Jellal placed her here. Robaul couldn't say no. Now after his job is done, is his last wish for Wendy to join a new guild with her new friends. Wendy wouldn't stop cry.

''Your future... has only just begun. Everyone, truly, thank you. I leave Wendy and Carla in your hands.'' Master Robaul is now gone and Wendy's mark is also gone. Erza walk over to her and comfort her.

''Bury the pain of losing your loved ones... Into the arms of your friends.'' Says Erza. I join hugging Wendy.

''Come with us, to Fairy Tail. Then we can be sisters, right?'' I smile my best one. Wendy dry her tears and nodded with a smile to.

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