Chapter 1

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The story suggested by @MysteryDancer9112003.  Hope you enjoy.

Barry's POV

More work. So many files just keep piling up on my desk. I haven't felt up to doing the mountainous amount of work for the past few days. Pushing the queazy feeling away, I began the stacks of reports.

So many words. All of them swirled around my head as I read the report. Not really paying attention, I just wrote the DNA evidence in and signed my name to it. 

Setting it aside, I grabbed another one and did the same. 

Knowing I had to get this done didn't encourage me to do it. I pushed through the next 15 folders without much problem. 

Joe's POV

Looking for Barry, I walk up to his lab. The captain wants the reports done and I was supposed to go and get them for the captain.

I knock on the frame to get Barry's attention, but it seems that he was to focused on the paperwork before him to notice me there. I give up trying to get his attention from afar and walk towards him. 

Barry's head was down and the pencil was moving at a fast pace, not the flash fast but fast like human speed, along the lines of the page. When I got closer, I noticed he was sweating. 

Sweat ran down his face and landed on the page in puddles. His face was really pale compared to how it normally is. I knock on the desk to catch his attention, but it never happened. He was still working as fast as he was without any sort of acknowledgment to me. 

"Barry?" I called out to him, but no reply. I reach out and touch his shoulder. He jumped and looked up at me. His eyes locked on mine and I could tell he didn't feel well. His normal candy apple green eyes were hazy.His pupils were blown wide open. 

Without hesitation, I grab my phone and call Caitlin. She picked up and I start to explain what is happening. She tells me to get Barry to S.T.A.R. Labs. I took the files he has done and grabbed him and took him to Captain Singh's office.

I knocked on the captain's door before entering. I was basically dragging Barry into the large office. The captain looked at me and the semi-conscious Barry. I dropped the files on his desk and said, "I'm taking Barry to the doctors." 

Without much more to be said, I continued dragging Barry out to the station and in my car. I fired up the engine and started to drive to S.T.A.R. Labs. 

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