Chapter 5

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General POV

The mirror fell to the ground. Millions of pieces scattered around the clean lab. The shocked adults in the room were brought out of their haze at the sound. 

All eyes turned to the 12-year old that was once the adult-sized flash. Joe was the first person to talk.

"Barry?" It wasn't really a question but a way to reassure himself that his eyes aren't playing tricks on him with his old age. 

The pre-teen looked at his foster father. His bright green eyes pierced his soul as if looking for the answers to all his questions. Caitlin moved over to Barry. 

Avoiding all the glass, Caitlin laid her hands on Barry's shoulders and steered him back to the bed. Cisco went and got the broom to clean the glass up. Barry didn't argue about being looked over like he would normally. He sat on the bed with no complaint.

Joe went to Barry's bedside and started to ask him questions. The questions about what happened with that meta, how come he didn't say anything, and where to go from here. 

Caitlin made Joe quit talking so Caitlin could do a verbal test

. It was to see how much he actually remembered.

Barry seemed to remember everything. Everything except what that lady did to him. He remembers the fight but nothing really after it. Just like the other victims.

Caitlin left to get a needle. She came back with Cisco tailing behind her. His eyes fell to the ground. He was feeling guilty about not being able to find anything out about what had happened Wednesday.

He pulled himself and Joe a seat up for them to sit instead of stand. Joe went back to asking his questions.

"How am I going to explain this to Singh? I can keep up the sick routine, but he will get curious." Joe paused this rambling to think more. "He would make the connection to you being the Flash since you are in no condition to run around fighting crime."

Cisco decided to butt in. "Joe. I can make another suit so the "Flash" will still be seen. I can figure out how to make Barry taller in the suit or we could just spread a rumor about the "real" Flash having to go somewhere and a Kid Flash will step in his place until he returns."

Joe gave Cisco a look that told him he shouldn't have even opened his mouth. "Cisco. Stay out of it. He isn't going to fight crime at 12. He is a young child."

The word child made Barry give the worst death glare that he could manage. "Joe. I'm not a child. I have all my memories and I still have my powers."

Joe turned his attention to Barry. "Barry. You may not really be a child, but you look like one. I will not have you out there fighting crime in this state."

"But Joe-"

"No Barry. I don't care if you can still do it. I don't need you getting hurt." Joe took a deep breath. "How am I going to explain this to Iris? She is going to kill me for letting you get this way."

"I'll tell Iris. I can explain the medical background to her better than you would be able to," Caitlin suggested. Joe nodded.

"We need to get you home and settled." A thought popped into Joe's mind as he thought about home. "How am I going to explain a child to someone. Everyone know you and Iris are my only kids. I don't have any other family that has a kid this young."

"I'll take him. I'll say that he is my nephew that is staying with me for a while." Caitlin said. Joe looked at her and considered the option. Joe looked at Barry. "What do you want to do?"

Barry looked at his foster father and his female friend. His was putting together a story that would be believable. "Caitlin's story seems more believable than yours, Joe. If you haven't noticed, I'm very white. It wouldn't make for a good lie to say that."

Barry stood up and his pants he had on slid to the floor. His face turned a bright red color. Barry completely forgot about holding his pants up so they wouldn't slide. Barry pulled them up to hid his underclothes in a rush.

Caitlin and Cisco both started to laugh. Joe just shook his head. "I'll go find some clothes for you. Cisco and Caitlin, please continue working on this and get it reversed as soon as possible." With that Joe left the cortex. 

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