Chapter 8

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General POV

The first night at Caitlin's was uneventful. All they did was sit in the living room till 11 and watch movies. Caitlin forced him to go to bed after the credits. Barry wasn't tired enough to sleep so he stayed in his room for hours and tried to figure out more of what happened. He thought about it for so long that he lost track of time. Barry ended up falling asleep around 3 a.m.

Caitlin woke around her normal time. 5:30 a.m. Barry didn't wake till 8. Barry came out of the room with his hair sticking up in every direction. Caitlin sat at the kitchen table facing the hallway. She saw Barry stumbled out of his room and it put a smile on her face. She saw his hair and shook her head. 

His hair was way too long. He needed to have a haircut, but that was for another day. Caitlin moved the cereal box to the seat in front of her. Barry grabbed a bowl and started to eat himself some breakfast. 

Once Barry was done, he put the bowl in the sink and washed it. He dried it and put it in the cabinet. He then sat back down at the table with Caitlin. Together, they worked on a few possible treatments for Barry's current condition. 

Time flew by as they worked through many papers. Caitlin's phoned beeped. It told her to get to S.T.A.R. Labs for an urgent meeting and to bring Barry. She told Barry to get dressed and withing that hour, they were on their way to the lab to meet with Joe. 

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