The Bard And His Assistant (Something Rotten)

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Something Rotten!

"I can't believe you sent them away..." (Y/N) followed next to Shakespeare while looking down at the ground.

Shakespeare laughed.

"Dear, I saved their lives and made a hit out of it as well."

Many people awed and waved at the man that stood next to (Y/N), she just walked silently next to him with no emotion.

Some people did give (Y/N) attention for her beauty but most of the time her affection would be over run by Wills large crowed of fans.

"Where are you going?" (Y/N) asked while looking up at Will.

"Back to work, i'll need another hit soon." William stopped to look at (Y/N).

"I could walk you home before I start work if you'd like." Will suggested.

"I'm going to keep a close eye on you, after what I've been seeing" (Y/N) glared at will.

William knew what she was talking about. He had been getting drunk recently and falling asleep on his desk.


William grasped onto one of (Y/N)'s hands and twirled her into him.

(Y/N) was now pressed up against Will in the middle of the street with girls giving death glares and guys hollering for more.

"You could help me with writing and maybe after that-" William bent down and whispered the last part in her ear, causing her to furiously blush and hit his chest.

"WILLIAM!" (Y/N) roared.

William stood laughing as (Y/N) stormed off back to the tavern.

"What the hell did you say to her?" A soft voice asked.

William turned around to see Bea.

"Just something naughty~" he chuckled.

"Well I just came by to say thank you." Bea rubbed her stomach hoping to comfort her unborn child.

"You're very welcome. It was very pleasant forcing your husband out of town." William smiled.

"Alright then. Be good to her." Bea pointed towards where (Y/N) had walked off too.

"I will sweetheart. Goodbye now." Willam waved as the woman walked away.

William began to walk back home with a jolt in his step, happy that (Y/N) was going to be spending the night with him.

While walking into his house Will was met with a wonderful smell.

He walked into the kitchen to find (Y/N) slaving away on a nice dinner.

"(Y/N)......" he watched as the said woman turned around to look at him.

"Yes, sir?" She asked.

"What is it that your doing?" William walked further into the kitchen and leaned onto a near wall.

"You need dinner." (Y/N) rolled her eyes and got back to work on the so called dinner.

"Beer and rum don't exactly count as dinner believe it or not." (Y/N) chuckled lightly as William scoffed.

"It'll be done shortly, go on and finish your work." (Y/N) looked over at Will who seemed to own an intrigued smile on his features.

"Alrighty dear, just don't work too much." William smiled and blessed (Y/N) with a reassuring hand motion.

(Y/N) simply rolled her eyes at the sweet yet flirtatious movement.

"He doesn't know what he's getting himself into" she mumbled under her breath.

--------Williams corders

While opening the door to his office, Will was greeted with the sound of beer mugs clanking together.

The room had been filled with such things and caused the door to get stuck.

"Bloody hell."

William rubbed his temples to conceal the major temper he now owned.

"I didn't think it would have gotten to this point.." he pushed the door so it would become unjammed.

The sound of breaking glass was heard behind the door.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT SIR?" (Y/N) called up.


William walked into his office and closed the door behind him, leaning his back on the door and siding down so his head was in his knees.

"I haven't even started to write and I'm already frustrated.." William sighed while running a hand through his hair.

A few minutes passed and William just sat like this for the longest. Lost in his thoughts he didn't notice the light knocking on his door.

"William..? Are you alright?" (Y/N) sounded worried. She had been trying to get his attention for a few seconds and when he didn't respond she already assumed the worse.

"William Shakespeare!" She growled.

This knocked William out of his thoughts.

"At your service!" He quickly stood up and opened the door for his friend.

"What the hell were you doing?" (Y/N) asked worried, placing her platter in her right hand so she could use her left to examine Shakespeare.

(Y/N)'s hand creased Shakespeare's cheek into which he leaned into her touch.

"I'm alright." He replied while lifting his hand up to hers and putting more pressure into the interaction.

"Promise..?" She asked worried.

Shakespeare turned her hand around and lightly placed kisses on her knuckles.

He looked up at her with a very attractive gaze and a small smirk.

"Promise." He whispered.

(Y/N) felt the heat rush to her face as she watched Williams reaction.

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