Marvin at the phychiatrist (falsettos)

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"Marvin! How have you been? It's been awhile" the old acquaintance of Marvin's laughed and pulled the man into a tight hug.

"Decent, how about you?" He replied while returning the hug with a smile.

"Good, actually. After breaking things off with my old lover. But I'm sure you're not here to talk about me, what's going on?" Patting the seat next to themselves, persuading Marvin to sit next to them.

"It's jus- I don't know." Marvin sat down and leaned back in the chair, inhaling a deep breath and not exhaling until his friend nodded in consideration of what he had said.

"(Y/n), I'm still thinking about him, and yes I know I should be spending more time with Jason to distract myself, but it just doesn't help, even after three years." Marvin placed his head in his hands and sighed.

(Y/n) seemed a little shocked at the sudden openly expressive Marvin and just set their hand on his knee to comfort him.

"Marvin, I'm not telling you this as your psychiatrist, but as your friend. Whizzer will always be in your head with you and I admit, you can't do anything about it, but god damnit Marvin you need to take it like a man and find love again. Whizzer would want it that way"

Marvin raised his head out of his hands and stared at the (e/c), glistening orbs in front of him.

There was a heavy silence in the room until (y/n) realized their hand was still on Marvin's knee and hesitantly pulled it away, triggering the next conversation to start.

"Mendel said the same thing....but I'm eighty percent sure it was only to get me to go home" Marvin chuckled and sat up completely and crossed his legs.

"He was your psychiatrist before me." (Y/n) laughed along.

"Maybe, but you're not as arrogant and annoying as him.." Marvin rolled his eyes.

"Was that a compliment?" (Y/n) mocked their patient. But (y/n) was secretly dying to see that smile of Marvin's again. It had been so long since he was truly happy.

Marvin just shrugged and held a small smirk.

"I'll take it as one. I hope you don't mind." (Y/n) stood up from their seat to walk over to a black desk and pick up a mug, placing it up to their pale lips.

"I don't. I'm just expecting one in return" Marvin looked up at (y/n) ,waiting for a reaction.

(Y/n) was a little shocked from the sudden flirting and decided to play along.

"You sure expect a lot from me. Advice and now a compliment, what's next?-"

"A date?" Marvin Interrupted.

(Y/n) widened their eyes and almost couldn't swallow the drink that had gone down their throat after the remark, not expecting such a reply.

"A d-date?" (Y/n) stuttered. Hoping he was just kidding. But secretly hoping that he wasn't.

Marvin hummed. "Will you accompany me on a date, (y/n)?"

Stunned, (y/n) placed down their drink and made their way back to the closest seat next to Marvin's.

"Me? Marvin are you sure?" (Y/n) still couldn't fully comprehend what was happening.

"Why not? I'm found of you and before you were my psychiatrist we were close friends. And as a bonus I'm sure it's not going to end in a disaster." Marvin stated, with a large smile plastered on his face.

"I'm just shocked is all.... but, a date it is." (Y/N) replied, happily.

Since this is Marvin, I decided to make the fan fiction go with any gender. In falsettos Marvin leaves his wife, Trina for his friend, Whizzer. Marvin might be completely gay but in compliments of the fan fiction I've made him bisexual.
Sorry for any confusion or problems.

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