Will Power (something rotten)

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Something rotten

"Nick that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." (Y/n) roared with laughter as she sat with her brother at a table in a tavern.

"No it's not! Listen, you would just need to get one glance at his notes, a sentence a word or even a picture I don't care, just something to give me inspiration (y/n)!" Nick cried, grabbing onto (y/n)'s hand and clenching it in his.

"Fine. Just buy me something good to eat after, I'm sick of cabbage soup." (Y/n) replied, yanking her hand out of nicks and standing up to push in her chair.

"Hey! It's healthy and it's all we have, be grateful, brat." Nick followed (y/n)'s steps and pushed in his chair.

With this (y/n) looked up and glared daggers at her brother. She made her way around the table and harshly yanked Nick's ear and led them both out of the tavern with nick calling 'sorry' over and over

The next day.

"Bea, how do I look?" (Y/n) asked, turning around to face said woman.

Bea inhaled a sharp breath and covered her mouth with her hands. "You look wonderful!"

(Y/n) softly smiled and brought the woman into a hug.

"So, tell me what you're doing again.." Bea nervously laughed, pulling away from the hug.

"Nick wants me to seduce Shakespeare." (Y/n) shrugged turning around to face the mirror again.

"Oh.." Bea nodded.

"So, um.. why?" Bea made her way towards the mirror and looked into it at (y/n)'s reflection.

"He said he needed inspiration for his next play, so he wants me to secretly look through Shakespeare's stuff and find something in his notes." (Y/n) stated, with a stale expression, while putting on a ring and quickly admiring it.

"That makes more sense now. That also sounds a lot like Nick." Bea chuckled.

"Mmhmm" (y/n) agreed and finished her finale look with a necklace.

"I'll be going now. Hopefully I'll be back soon, be safe and keep both of my brothers out of trouble." (Y/n) leaned in a kissed Bea quickly on the cheek before leaving out the door.

Time skip

While walking down to see the show (y/n) had been forced to go to , she could have sworn she saw her younger brother, Nigel, with a blonde girl.

Thinking nothing of it ,she continued on her way, deep in thought, until she heard the cries of a crowd.

They all screamed in unison.

This caused (y/n) to jerk he head up and notice that she was at the "show".

While looking around stage she noticed two people by the edge of it. "I knew it!" (Y/n) hissed while walking around people to get to the two familiar folks.

"Nigel! What the hell are you doing here?" (Y/n) grabbed onto her brothers shoulder, causing him to jump.

"I-I , uh, watching S-Shakespeare?" He mumbled.

"Whose this?" (Y/n) asked, pointing to the blonde girl she had seen him with earlier.

"This is Portia, Portia this is my big sister, (y/n)." Nigel sighed, Introducing the two woman.

"Hi, I'm not usually this mean I'm just on the edge at the moment" (y/n) laughed. holding out her hand for Nigel's friend.

Portia shook it kindly and shouted over the music about how much Nigel talks about her.

"(Y/n) enough about me, what are 'you' doing here? Especially wearing that, cover up a little ,sis" Nigel proceeded to try and hide his sister cleavage with his hands.

"Nigel, stop you're making it more obvious" (y/n) rolled her eyes and put her brothers arms down by his side.

"Nick will tell you when you go home, But basically I just need to go to this after party and get in a few peoples heads." Nigel widened his eyes at (y/n)'s response but shook his head understanding.

Turning around (y/n) began to try and enjoy herself as the one and only walked onto the stage and thrusted here and there.

It honestly surprised (y/n) how tight his pants were, also how well he could move in them. But she wasn't complaining. It was a nice sight.

Soon after the concert like show, (y/n) joined Portia and Nigel to the after party.

"I hope he notices us!" Nigel practically fainted at the sight of Shakespeare, along with Portia who just stood there smiling as the man walked out onto the floor.

"Hello everyone, I would just like to thank you all for coming. It's truly an honor that I'm standing here in this room with you all. Well, your honor not mine." Shakespeare laughed.

All the other guest began to fake a small laugh at his cocky joke.

"Please enjoy yourself." He finished and began to enjoy himself.

"What a bastard." (Y/n) mumbled towards her brother.

"How can you say that?! He's practically the greatest writer ever known" Nigel gasped.

"Greatest writer my ass." She hissed, walking towards the man himself.

"Mr. Shakespeare." (Y/n) called towards him, walking up and placing her hand on his arm.

"Yes? What is it?" He spat, turning around to be met with (y/n)'s big (e/c) eyes.

"Oh. My dear I must apologize for my rude outburst." He smirked, reaching for her hand and flipping it over so he could place light kisses on her knuckles.

"It's my fault for not introducing myself." (Y/n) giggled but wanted to gag all over the man in front of her.

"Well a young beautiful lady like yourself must not need an introduction from the bard himself but, William Shakespeare at your service" he smiled while doing a quick little bow.


Shakespeare raised a brow. "Just (y/n)?" He asked.

"Uh- sorry. It's (y/n), (y/n) (l/n)" (y/n) stuttered and felt her face grow hot.

"(Y/n) (l/n). I like how that rolls off the tongue." He chuckled and wrapped an arm around (y/n)'s waist.

'(L/n)? What kind of last name is that?' (Y/n) growled to herself.

"So What brings you here?" Shakespeare asked while walking both of them to a table full of drinks.

"I just came to satisfy my needs." (Y/n) shrugged, smiling.

"Mmm, And what exactly are those needs?" Shakespeare pestered, removing his arm from her waist and reaching for two drinks.

"The needs to explore the world and fill it with self sustaining poetry and optimistic views" (y/n) tried to make herself seem interesting and intelligent but she couldn't care less of what Shakespeare thought of her.

"You strike an interest in me, mrs (l/n)" William replied handing her a drink of her own and placing his arm back around her.

"Oh, no mrs. I'm not married." (Y/n) took the drink in her own hands and sipped on it occasionally, trying to make no eye contact with the bard.

"Then what's this?" He asked, picking up her left hand and referring to the ring on her ring finger.

"My sister-in-laws ring that she gave to me. We're really close." (Y/n) began to admire it as her hand sat in Shakespeare's.

Shakespeare sat in silence and admired the way (y/n) looked at her hand. "You're truly beautiful." He whispered so only she could hear.

Sorry It's been a while since I've posted. I've been exhausted lately, but thank you for the comments and votes! I really appreciate it! Also this is a two part story, so look out for that.

Christian BorleXReader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now