Crazy (falsettos)

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It was silent as I sat next to him. I didn't dare speak a word first, he had the explaining to do.

Marvin looked at me with sympathy in his eyes "(Y/n)-look I was going to tell you." I was still quiet, I simply sat glaring at the 'thing' Marvin brought into our home.

"Don't look at it like that, it has emotions too." Marvin sighed.

I turned my glare to Marvin as he began to defend it. "You haven't even heard what his name is." He cooed. I sighed and put my head into my hands. "What is his name, Marvin?"


I slowly removed my head from my hands to look at Marvin. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" I stammered. Marvin grew a large smile on his face watching my reaction. "The damn cat HAS NO HAIR" I stood up from my spot on the couch and began to pace back and forth in our living room.

"What am I going to tell Trina when she brings Jason over? 'Oh yeah this is our hairless cat ,Fluffy, don't mind him, he might look like a penis but I can assure you,he is not'." I growled.

"He can hear you, you know!" Marvin gasped, picking up the cat and holding him close.

"I don't care if this-this..Rat can hear me or not! I want him to know that I. don't. want. him. here." I stomped my way over to the kitchen and began to go through the groceries I had picked up on the way home.

"This damn cat is going to eat us out of our home..." i mumbled under my breath.

Marvin laughed as he put the cat down.

I stopped, slamming the cabinet door shut as I put away some sugar. "What's so funny?"

Marvin got up from the couch and made his way over to our island counter, lifting himself up so he was sitting on it, facing me. "You think the cat is going to eat us out of our home? Most of the food you buy is gone in a day because you eat it all!"

As he continued to laugh at me I waked back over to the living room and plucked his precious fluffy off the ground.

I heard the laughing stop as I opened the back door to our backyard. "(Y/n). What are you doing?"

I dramatically turned around and batted my eyelashes at Marvin. "I don't know what you're talking about.."

"(Y/n) don't you dare!" Marvin jumped off the counter and slowly approached me as I continued to get closer to letting the cat go.

"I'm just letting the cat go play outside." I smiled.

"(Y/n) LEAVE FLUFFY ALONE!" Marvin raced towards me causing me to slam the back door in his face.

"I wasn't going to let your cat go out the back door, I'm not that mean. He can go out the front." I stepped over Marvin who was now laying on the floor and released the cat into our front lawn.

"Fluffy.." Marvin sniffled.

"Your pussy is fine. He won't go anywhere by the looks of it. He prefers the outside anyways, it smells better than you." I giggled while watching fluffy prance around in our front lawn.

I heard Marvin stand up and dust himself off, he made his way over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I knew you wouldn't like him." He chuckled.

"Then why the hell did you bring him home?" I rolled my eyes.

"Because, I knew he was an outside cat but I wanted to know how you would react." Marvin whispered Into my ear, causing me to shiver.

"What do you mean?" I turned my head to look at him.

"I found him on the streets, meowing happily, if I might add, and he started following me so I picked him up and brought him home to see if you would take him to the animal shelter or let him live with us." Marvin never took his eyes off of the cat that was now laying in the sun.

I turned my head to look back out the window. "What would you have done if I took it to an animal shelter."

"Call you crazy because those rats are worth a lot of money" Marvin laughed.

For those who don't know what a hairless cat looks like:

————————————————————For those who don't know what a hairless cat looks like:

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Also I love these cats so don't think I'm dissing anyone. My sister had one, he was a brat but he was cute:,)

Sorry it's short but Ive gotten a job so I'm busy again, also don't mind the picture of Christian holding a dog☠️
Thank you for reading! Comment any request💞

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