He's back (charlie and the chocolate factory)

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Charlie and the chocolate factory.

I walked the normal path I did everyday to work.

Pass the flower kiosk, say hello to the nice store clerk in the small bakery around the corner and continue down the straight street path passing by the chocolate factory that had been shut down for years.

I didn't think anything of it. I walked down this exact path every single day. But it all changed when I noticed the factory lights had been turned on.

After turning the corner by the bakery I continued on the straight street, admiring the sun that was beginning to shine, but my eyes instantly went towards the factory as I smelt the smallest bit of chocolate. The lights had been turned on.

The lights hadn't been on in over 10 years.

I still remember the day they announced that the factory would be shut down. I was around the age of 13. I was heartbroken. The man I looked up to the most, disappeared without a trace.

When I noticed the lights had been turned on, I picked up my pace and ran towards the fence, blocking some of my view of the beautiful building. I placed my small bag on the ground and wrapped my hands around the thin bars.

"He's back." I smiled, tears forming in the creases of my eyes.

I quickly hopped off the fence and picked up my bag, running towards my work, eager to tell all of my coworkers the good news.

The small bell above our enter door rang as I walked in.

"(B/f/n)" I called, lightly throwing my bag onto my chair and skipping over towards them with a large smile.

"What is it?" (B/f/n) sighed, not bothering to turn around, too focused on the task at hand.

I quickly made them turn around and face me.

"The lights are on!" I whispered with my smile.

"Excuse me?" (B/f/n) scoffed.

"Willy Wonka's chocolate factory lights are on!" I repeated with the same expression.

"No they're not." They rolled their eyes and got back to work.

My expression saddened a little. (B/f/n) never acted like this. They were acting so... odd. I didn't let it ruin my day though, I walked back to my station and sat in my seat, placing my bag in my lap with a small smile on my face.

"He's back." Is the only thing that could run through my mind.
Time skip:

I finished my work before lunch and decided to take a long lunch break.

I was so excited to see what everyone thought about Willy Wonkas return.

I was beyond happy and would give anything to meet the man. I heard him plenty of times on the radio and dreamed of him for numerous nights growing up.

"(Y/n), did you hear the news?" Carlos, the baker from the corner bakery asked as I was passing by.

I skipped over and proceeded to listen and watch as he dusted off his apron in the street.

"Willy Wonka has begun selling chocolate again." He smiled.

"I'm aware." I giggled at the giddy man, who was also a fan.

"I spotted his factory lights on this morning and couldn't contain my excitement." I replied, pointing off into the direction of the building.

"Well, I know how much you love his chocolate and stopped by next door to get you this." Carlos quickly went into the bakery and came back with a chocolate bar in his hands.

"Carlos!" I slowly took the bar out of his hands and admired it.

"You really shouldn't have.." I awed, not even meeting eyes with the man.

"You've been nothing but good to me, (y/n). The least I can do is buy you a chocolate bar from the one and only." He chuckled at my reaction.

"Thank you.." i embraced the man in a hug.

"What do we have here?" A man laughed, whipping off his hands in the small rag he was holding.

I pulled away from the hug and faced the candy man from next door. "If I would have known that the chocolate was for (y/n), I would have given it to her for ya." The candy man held out his hand for Carlos, to which Carlos chuckled and shook his hand.

"Willy Wonka is back!" I smiled, holding out my arms for the businessman.

"I knew you would be the first to know. I just got packages full of his chocolates" he replied, falling into my embrace.

"I remember when she was little and how she would come to my shop everyday, begging for the last Willy Wonka chocolate bar." The candy man laughed.

Carlos then recalled all of our memories of me when I was little. I couldn't help but cringe at the actions of the younger me.

After the men recoiled they turned to me.

"What is it?" I asked, gripping tightly onto the bar.

"Open it!"

"Before you melt it."

I quickly looked down at the bar and slowly ripped it open, the memories flowing back to me. "What on earth is this?" I asked, removing a golden slip from the packaging of the wrapper
I'm not sure how long it's been but uhhh I made this a while ago and I didn't want to just leave it in my notes to rot. Also I'm not sure if I'll continue this one shot series cause I've been trying to improve my writing and focus on drill team and school.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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