Start of something new (Legally Blonde)

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You quickly ran through the long narrow halls of Harvard, trying to get to your class. You accidentally slept in this morning, causing you to be late.

You tried as silently as you could to run through the halls, however the sound of your soft, panting breath and the clicking of your heels gave you away.

Becoming rather displeased you were not able to find your class you stopped in your tracks and took a deep breath, straightening your white blouse so it wasn't as wrinkled, you sighed. The new sound of a classroom door opening alerted you and took your gaze.

A talk, skinny man in a brown suit had his back to the doors with a small, pleased smile on his face. "That was Emmett Forrest, everyone" the sound of roaring applause followed as the doors closed.

The man looked down and chuckled to himself, not paying attention to you. You watched as he lifted his head and looked at you. His cheeks slightly became flustered with a slight pink and his small smile turned into a slight smirk. You returned his gaze with a smile, placing a strand of hair behind your ear.

Nervously he scratched his neck,looking down."Did you hear that?" He asked, embarrassed.

"Maybe" you teased. Walking towards the man. "Emmett, right?" You asked, holding out your hand.

Emmett looked up and smiled. Removing his hand from his neck he reached over to return your handshake. Laughing he nodded his head. "Yes"

"I'm (y/n)" you introduced yourself. Emmett reacted quickly, his eyebrows furrowed and he pulled his hand slowly away from yours. "(Y/n) (L/n)?" He questioned.

"How do you know my name?" You giggled, becoming slightly concerned. Emmett reached into his light brown "backpack" that hung across his chest with a strap. Pulling out a clipboard with a list of names on it he moved his finger until it read your name.

Handing you the clipboard you took it in curiosity. "Look. This is you, right?" He asked, showing you your name. You looked where his finger pointed to and it clearly stated your name in black ink.

"Because if it is there's no point in going to class this late."

You looked up at Emmett who was looking at you with a concerned face. "Exactly how late am I?" You asked, slightly worried you were later than you thought.

Emmett placed the clipboard back into his bag and when removing his hand from his bag he shook his wrist so his cuffs could be pushed back. Looking closely at his watch he looked back up at you, his eyes showing sympathy.

"You can't be serious! I thought I was only thirty minutes late." You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose with your fingers while whispering curses to yourself.

Emmett shifted uncomfortably, guilty that he made you upset he proposed an idea. "Maybe if we go get lunch you'll calm down."

You looked up from pinching your nose and thought about it while staring deep into his eyes. You got lost until Emmett snapped his fingers in front of your face. "Well?"

Shrugging you replied with a nod. "Sure." You could tell Emmett was happy you accepted his offer, his eyes lit up like they did when he was getting all the applause from his peers before meeting you.
Just a short one shot because I feel bad it's been so long since I wrote something. Hope you liked it. Comment any request 💞

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