Serious (Legally Blonde)

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Emmett!" (Y/n) snorted lightly as she slightly pushed her friend away in a kind way.

"I'm just saying, if the man wants to make a compliment, do it in a manner that won't make it look like you're a pedophile" Emmett shrugged and repositioned himself next to (y/n).

"You're so mean." She laughed.

Emmett smiled at her response and continue to watch her face light up with laughter at his small joke.

The twos small conversation was interrupted by the loud sound of heels clicking on the concrete ground.

"Excuse me! But do you two know where I could find criminal law 101 with professor Callahan? And Warner Huntington the third?" A blonde woman walked up to Emmett and (y/n) with a large bright smile to accompany her bright pink outfit.

"Well we're both heading there." Emmett smiled looking between (y/n) and the woman.

"We'll be happy to show you." (Y/n) replied while packing up her bag and standing up, turning around to watch Emmett follow her lead.

"It's in Hauser. Over there, second building on the left." Emmett pointed in the said direction while slinging his sash over his shoulder.

"Thanks" the woman replied with a grin. Readjusting her purse with a dog in it, (y/n) looked over at Emmett, who quickly cleared his throat.

"But I don't think dogs are exactly allowed during class."

"Oh bruisers not a dog, he's family. But I'll be dropping him off at my dorm before class anyways." The woman shrugged.

"Well, nice to meet you.. Miss-"

"Woods. Elle woods" She chirped, happily holding out her hand for both Emmett and (y/n) to shake.

Emmett cleared his throat and gently shook her hand, followed by (y/n).

"Emmett Forrest" Emmett smiled and watched as (y/n) introduced herself.

"(Y/n) (l/n)" she lightly smiled.
A few minutes before class.

Emmett had to leave Elle and (y/n) at Elle's dorms since he was required to get to class earlier. (Y/n) didn't mind, in the last hour of talking to Elle they had become good friends.

"So, not to be rude, but what brought you here...? This just, doesn't seem like your setting." (Y/n) rubbed her neck and avoided eye contact with Elle as they walked through the long corridors.

"Love." Elle stated, stopping and turning to look at (y/n).

(Y/n), however, didn't notice that Elle had stopped so she continued walking, thinking Elle was following her. This left Elle trying to run up to (y/n), almost tripping on her high heels, which caught her attention.

"Elle I'm so sorry! I was completely deep in thought!" (Y/n) quickly paced over to Elle and waited for her to readjust her posture.

"It's fine. But back to what I was saying."

Elle cleared her throat.


"Love? At Harvard? How can you possibly manage that?" (Y/n) rolled her eyes and pulled her jacket around her body more.

"You seem to be doing just fine." Elle stated, confused.

"What do you mean?" (Y/n) looked at Elle and shifted uncontrollably.

"You and Emmett."

(Y/m) felt her face immediately flush at the sound of her and her friends name together.

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