Will Power (prt 2)

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"I'm sorry?" (Y/n) looked up to notice Shakespeare staring at her.

"I said you were beautiful." He repeated, intwining his fingers with hers.

(Y/n) instantly flushed up at this.

"T-thank you.." She responded while placing a piece of hair behind her ear.

"(Y/n)?" Nigel called, causing (y/n) to let go of Shakespeare's hand and step away from the man.

"Nigel!" She laughed, nervously.

She went to pull Nigel into a hug but before he could The one and only barged into the conversation. However, barged might have been an understatement.

"Nigel, I didn't think you'd make it!" Shakespeare laughed, holding out his hand for (y/n)'s brother.

"Neither did I.." he replied, blandly, while shaking his hand.

"So how do you know the lovely (y/n) (l/n)?" Shakespeare cleared his throat looking back and forth at the two.

"(Y/n) (l/n)?" Nigel widened his eyes and quickly looked over at this new 'stranger'.

"W-we met at one of your other shows." (Y/n) quickly replied, nudging Nigel to agree with her.


"Hmm, well anyways, Nigel how's your brother and that sister of yours." Shakespeare questioned while walking over and wrapping his arm, once again, around (y/n)'s waist.

"Well you know how Nick is, but my sister is kind of...caught up at the moment." Nigel sighed, with a small smile.

"Oh really? Caught up with writing I presume?"

"More like caught up with a writer.." Nigel mumbled, under his breath, causing (y/n) to slam her foot onto his.

"I'm soooo sorry, I'm really clumsy after a few drinks." (Y/n) giggled at the sight of her brother in pain, and leaned into Shakespeare, waving her half empty drink in Nigel's face.

"Nigel? Where did you go?" Portia came up next to Nigel and placed her arm around his, watching as his face twisted with pain from his sisters strike.

"Are you Alright!?" She questioned, not even noticing who was standing in front of her.

"He's fine, you know Nigel." (Y/n) faked a smile and began to try and pull Shakespeare away with her.

Shakespeare, however had other plans.

"Oh? And who might this be, Nigel?" Shakespeare smiled at Portia.

"I think I'm going to sit down." Nigel inhaled and proceeded to walk to a nearby chair. At this point Portia had noted the two people talking to Nigel.

"I'm so sorry mr Shakespeare." Portia quickly and politely curtsied and ran off with Nigel.

"You really did a number on his toes, my dear." Shakespeare chuckled as (y/n) began to grow worried for her brother.

"I forgot I'm wearing heels." She hissed to herself.

"I'm sure he'll be alright, just like you said." Shakespeare tried to comfort (y/n).

"Well, well, well. If it isn't 'the' William Shakespeare." A voice boomed.

Both Shakespeare and (y/n) turned around to be met with a bearded man.

"John Donne, how are you?" Shakespeare smiled and walked towards the man with (y/n) on his arm.

"I'm alright but you seem to be doing a lot better with such a gorgeous woman on you." He smiled, motioning towards (y/n).

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