Take it like a man (legally blonde)

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Legally blonde

"Elle, I'm not so sure about this" (y/n) complained to her friend.

"Oh hush! You look great!" Elle giggled happily and continued to work her magic on (y/n).

"It's just to the meeting of the intern case, I don't need to look like I just walked out of a club." (Y/n) huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well, true, but I don't think I've ever seen you in anything other than mascara and I want this to be exciting to you. Not just another internship you have to go to." Elle stopped what she was doing and looked back at her masterpiece.

"And I appreciate that I just- you know how professor Callahan is.." Elle nodded her head understanding what her friend meant and continued to look around for something.

"You know I never noticed how creepy he was until he complimented me. "You have some beautiful legs, you should show them more" he said. After that I vowed to wear leggings under every skirt and dress." (Y/n) began to ramble on about how creepy her professor and boss was until Elle cut her off, walking over with something in her hand.

"You know I've noticed that too.. he stares at me sometimes with a... what's the word?"

"Intense gaze?" (Y/n) giggled.

"Intense! Yes! That's what it was." Elle giggled along and opened the small circled container she held.

"What's this?" (Y/n) asked a little frightened of the object.

"Highlighter. It's just like sparkles you put on your face." Elle reached for a small brush and began to put the substance on her friend.

"Andddd there!" Elle finished with a click of appreciation from her tongue.

"How do I look?" (Y/n) began to overdramatize the scene, causing both girls to laugh.

Hopping off the tall seat she was sitting in, (y/n) walked over to the closest mirror to examine herself.

"Elle, I look..."

"Wonderful? Fantastic? Oh darling, I know!" Elle jumped around the room clapping her hands.

"I knew you'd like it!"

(Y/n) smiled widely at Elle and looked at the alarm clock on her desk.

"Oh shit..."

Elle immediately stopped and looked at (y/n), worried. "What? Is the bronzer too dark?"

"WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE! COME ON, HURRY AND GET DRESSED!"  (Y/n) rushed Elle, throwing random clothes from her closet at her.

"Ewewewewew it touched me! I hate plaid!!" Elle cried.

At the meeting

"Should we knock? Should we just go in?" (Y/n) asked Elle, whispering.

"I don't know, you're like my boss you should know. Call Emmett to come in the hallway." Elle hissed, taking out (y/n)'s phone from her purse that was dangling over her shoulder.

"Hey! Use your own phone!" (Y/n) whipped around and tried to snatch her phone out of Elle's hands.

"Emmett always picks up when you call!" Elle pushed (y/n) away and put the phone up to her ear.

"Emmett? It's Elle and (y/n). Do you mind wal-"

Elle was interrupted by the door next to her and (y/n) being opened.

"Emmett!" (Y/n) smiled.

Emmett quickly turned around and shut the door behind him, turning around to face the girls again.

"What are you two doing here!? You're 20 minutes late!" Emmett hung up on the phone and placed it back in his pocket.

"We're here being twenty minutes late! Now go in and tell Callahan we we're stuck in traffic or something." (Y/n) sighed, obviously stressed.

"(Y/n)?" Emmett asked.

"What?" (Y/n) looked up at the man before her with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Are you.. wearing makeup?" Emmett smiled and took (y/n)'s chin between his thumb and index finger, moving her head from side to side so he could get a look at the full image.

Elle just stood back and watched the two interact. She always thought they would look really cute together and that's one reason why she pestered (y/n) to let her do her makeup, because even though she was naturally gorgeous, Elle wanted Emmett to really notice how beautiful she was.

"Yes I am! Now get off of me and-"

(Y/n) was interrupted when the same door opened again, but only this time it was Callahan and not a fellow colleague.

"What on earth is going on here?" Callahan demanded an answer.

Emmett immediately let go of (y/n) and turned towards Callahan.

"I was on the phone with them, they got lost and traffic was bad." He lied.

"I see. Miss (l/n) this shouldn't have been a problem for you to get here since you and Emmett are both here at least once a month, but since you do bring another member of this meeting I'll let it slide." Callahan sighed and opened the door more, holding it for the intern and two supervisors.

"Sorry sir" (y/n) said softly as she passed him.

as they all made their way towards their seats the people who have already arrived glared at them, mostly at Elle since both Emmett and (y/n) could easily put a word in to make them lose the internship.

As Elle sat she noticed the victim also sat at the end of the table, and knowing her as a fellow friend she waved excitedly as the victim did the same.

"It's good to see you Elle." She mused.

"Hi Brooke.." Elle replied quietly.

"Oh, so you know miss Wyndham?" Callahan ask sternly.

"Elle and I used to go to her work out sessions..." (y/n) answered for Elle.

"Oh? How is that possible? You've been at Harvard for as long as Emmett and Elle is new." Callahan proceeded to snarl at (y/n).

"My cousin goes to Elle's sorority, so I would come there for summer breaks and I became good friends with Elle and we just happened to go to miss Wyndham's work out sessions for fun" (y/n) shrugged.

(Y/n) could feel Emmett's hand creep up onto her knee. She didn't flinch or move away. Just turned towards him and smiled. He would do that when she was nervous and it helped calm her down, to know he was here for her. And it was quite convenient that they were always sitting next to each other.

"I knew you looked familiar!" Brooke chuckled.
"You always had the highest kicks during class, I remember."

(Y/n) slightly reddened at the compliment and placed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I see. Well then. Back on task." Callahan snapped.

Emmett began to take his hand away from (y/n)'s knee when she quickly grabbed his hand, slightly startling him, and place it on her thigh. Though she wasn't trying to make a move on Emmett and his presence is comforting to her she couldn't help imagine if they started dating.

'I wonder how he's reacting.. is he taking it like a man?' (Y/n) silently thought to herself.  (Y/n) caught a glimpse of Emmett's face. It slightly shocked her.

He was smirking.

Could he have been enjoying this as much as her?
I'm still debating on making this a two part story or leaving this one shot as just.. a one shot. Any opinions?? I'm desperate:,)

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