Take it like a man (prt 2)

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"Where's my co counsel?" Callahan called out.

Both Emmett and (y/n) pushed away from each other and quickly stood up, facing Callahan.

"You two and Brooke, come here." Callahan motioned for the three to follow him into a separate room.

Brooke stood up from her slouched over position and walked into the room, with Emmett and (y/n) close behind.

"I want you both to get her alibi. I don't care what it takes, just get it. I want her, and I quote, 'whipped into shape" Callahan slammed the door in both Emmett's and (y/n)'s face.

The both slowly turned around to face their client.

Brooke sat in a small leather chair with her legs crossed and a bored expression on her face.

"Y'all haven't gotten the alibi yet?" (Y/n) asked Emmett, a little astonished.

"She won't give it to us." Emmett shrugged his shoulders and turned to look at (y/n).

"Why not?" (Y/n) asked Brooke, sitting at the seat next to her.

"It's just too embarrassing." Brooke sighed, putting her face in her hands.

"Even though it could save you?" Emmett inhaled a deep breath as he took a seat next to (y/n) on the small couch.

"If you put me on the stands I'm sorry, but I'll be forced to lie." Brooke replied, looking up from her hands. "That wouldn't do you anything but possibly make the situation worse" Emmett exhaled.

"Without a alibi, I would tell you to accept a plea bargain , but I know you're innocent miss Wyndham." (Y/n) reassured.

"Thank you (y/n), but the plea bargain is something I refuse to do. Take time for my husbands murderer? I refuse to result to such a thing." She pleaded.

"Im aware and I completely agree , but that might be a choice you have to take because without an alibi there's not much hope." (Y/n) gave her a soft frown and began to think of another alternative, but when she couldn't think of anything a hand on her knee reminded her that she had another person to bounce ideas off of.

"What do you think?" (Y/n) asked, looking over at Emmett with a smile.

"That after reviewing your meeting I say that an alibi is the best bet for you." Emmett stated, shifting his posture.

"I'm sorry, but my finale answer is no, I refuse to give an alibi."

The two co counselors sat on the couch, thigh to thigh while a silence settled over. They didn't expect her to be so sure of her first decision not to tell them, at least Emmett didn't, (y/n) just knew she needed the alibi and was shocked she wouldn't give one.

Emmett cleared his throat and stood up, offering (y/n) his hand.

"I believe we should go.."

(Y/n) hummed in agreement, accepting his hand and dusting off her skirt as she made her way towards the door.

"Goodbye, Miss Wyndham." (Y/n) waved.

"Farewell, Miss Wyndham." Emmett waved in the same manner and left along side (y/n).

Emmett closed the door behind him and turned around to be met with an anxious (y/n) in an empty room.

"What the hell, her alibi is too 'embarrassing'?" She hissed. "and where the hell is everyone!?" Emmett flinched at the raise of her voice.

"(Y/n), calm down." He sighed walking towards her and placing a hand on her arm.

"I can't! Callahan is going to be furious!" She cried, turning around to look at Emmett.

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