Serious (prt 2)

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(Y/n) began reaching for her keys in her back pocket,but before she could get a grip on them they fell onto the carpeted floor.

(Y/n) sighed and watched the motionless objects. She closed her eyes and breathed.

"It's ok." She whispered to herself while bending down to reach for her keys. (Y/n) began to whisper sweet nothings and calming words to herself as she stood up and placed the key in her door, turning the key to unlock it.

While turning the handle she slowly opened the door to her dorm, just happy that she could run over to her bed and lay down, not caring that she had class tomorrow, but as the door revealed her room she also noticed a figure sitting on her bed. A bright pink figure to be exact.

"Elle? What the hell are you doing here?" (Y/n) whined in a high pitched voice, throwing a little tantrum as she placed her bag down.

"I came to see you!" Elle smiled.

"You know, being thrown out of class made me have a new perspective on you and Emmett." Elle scooted to the edge of (y/n)'s bed and slightly kicked her feet back and forth.

(Y/n) walked over to her bed and fell face first into her pillow. Not daring to more because of how comfortable she was.

"Don't you want to hear my new perspective?" Elle ushered (y/n) while nudging her shoulder.

(Y/n)'s response was a mumbled groan as she still hadn't moved her face from her pillow.

"Ok! Well I think tonight we should go to that costume party and both you and-"

"Costume party?" (Y/n) interrupted, sitting up and glaring at Elle.

"Yeah, Vivian told me about it when I went to check on Bruiser." Elle smiled and continued on.

"I was thinking we should go as bunnies!" Elle gushed.

"I don't think it's a costume party Elle...that sounds really weird." (Y/n) scooted to the edge of the bed next to Elle and look towards her.

"Well it doesn't matter, I want to impress Warner and I want you and Emmett to confront each other about this." Elle nodded her head and jumped up.

"I don't want to though." (Y/n) whined, falling sideways on her bed.

"You have to! You two would be so perfect together." Elle walked over to (y/n)'s vanity and began looking through her makeup and perfume.

The casual 'ew' or 'gross' would be heard every time Elle would touch something she disliked.

"I think we need to get you new makeup.." Elle picked up a mascara wand that was loosely tossed into (y/n)'s makeup bag with hair tangled into the bristles.

"I didnt have enough money to buy makeup at the time and as months-"

"Years, you mean?" Elle interrupted, throwing the wand into the trash.

"Whatever, I just never got around to buying new makeup." (Y/n) rolled her eyes and flipped herself so she was laying on her stomach.

"I'm going to give both you and your makeup bag a full Elle Woods makeover!" Elle smiled.

"Oh god.." (y/n) quietly cried.

Time skip:

"Elle we look ridiculous." (Y/n) huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"No... we look amazing!" Elle tried to cheer (y/n) up as they made their way into the party, but as they opened the door they were immediately greeted with laughs and chuckles.

Christian BorleXReader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now