Her family (falsettos)

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"Marvin I can't believe you!" (Y/n) shouted as she made her way throughout their living room.

"(Y/n) it's not that big of a deal, we will be fine." Marvin followed behind (y/n) as she rampaged their home.

"Of course it's a big deal Marvin!" She shouted, stopping and turning around to face the man.

"You can't lose your job and expect everything to be ok!" (Y/n) began to close in on Marvin, forcing him to back up to the wall.

"Why not?" He pushed.

"BECAUSE WITH YOUR JOB GONE, MY WORK CANT PAY OFF RENT!" (Y/n) raised her voice, causing Marvin to flinch but, he continued to fight back.

"(Y/n), you work a stable job we 'will' be ok-"

"NO WE WONT MARVIN! WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE JUST STAYED QUIET?" Marvin watched as his fiancé's eyes whelmed up with tears.

"HOW ARE WE GOING TO SUPPORT OUR FAMILY?" (Y/n) felt her hot tears stream down her face.

"Family..? (Y/n) what are you talking about?" Marvin became sympathetic and walked towards (y/n), placing his hand on her shoulder.

However, (y/n) jerked away from Marvin and covered her face with her hands, turning around, she made her way to their bedroom and slammed the door.

"(Y/N)!" Marvin shouted, chasing after her, before she could lock it.


And with that, (y/n) was locked in their bedroom that they've shared for the last year. Marvin continuously pounded his fist on the door, trying to get her to open it, cooing her name and then screaming it when she wouldn't respond.

"(Y/n) please." He pleaded, placing his forehead on the door.

"Yes, I lost my job and yes, it was because I couldn't stay quiet, but we can't fight like this anymore." Marvin spoke into the white wooden door.

"And you're the only family I have right now. I couldn't bare to just see you on the weekends like Jason."


Marvin quickly removed his head from the door and stood straight. He reached for the doorknob but before he could turn it, it was already twisting.

With a crack of the door, he could see a tear stained face (y/n). And as more of the door opened he saw that she was holding something in her right hand.

"What's that..?" Marvin questioned, motioning to her hand.

(Y/n) raised her left arm and grabbed Marvin's wrist, pulling him into the room and sitting him down on the bed with her.

"Here.." she whispered, handing Marvin a small device.

"You're going to be a father, again." (Y/n) smiled softly as Marvin looked over at her with tears in his eyes.

"Really?" He asked, stunned.

(Y/n) slowly nodded her head. "Baby, it'll be ok. I can get my job back and we'll move." Marvin leaned into (y/n) and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Move? Where?" (Y/n) widened her eyes at her oblivious soon to be husband.

"In the same neighborhood as Trina and Mendel." Marvin stood up from the bed and whipped his eyes.

"I want the baby to be apart of his family."

"Or her family." (Y/n) corrected with a smile.

"Yes. Or 'her' family." Marvin chuckled and gently pulled (y/n) off of the bed and into a hug.
This was really short and I'm really sorry for that but I've been kind of busy lately with theatre work and other things. Also a little side note, after Whizzer dies he does engage to a woman after two years of dating her. I apologize that it's not fit for any gender with the feminine pronouns. I hope you enjoyed! feel free to comment request 💕

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