Strike that, reverse it (charlie and the chocolate factory)

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Charlie and the chocolate factory

"Wonka, where are you taking me you silly man?" (Y/n) laughed as her beloved pulled her along the hallways of his factory.

"Just wait~" He sung.

And so (y/n) did. She followed Wonka all around, to the right, to the left, to the right again, up the stairs and out to the balcony.

"Wait. Close your eyes." He smiled widely as (y/n) obeyed, placing her hands up to her eyes.

(Y/n) felt as Wonka grabbed onto her waist and pull her into him, he began to lead her out to the middle of the balcony, where the wind blew through her (h/l) (h/c) hair. He slowly let go and backed away.

"Are you ready..?" He chuckled as (y/n) groaned. "You know how excited I am, just let me see!"

"Alright, open your eyes."


Worried of her reaction Wonka quickly looked over at (y/n) who had her mouth open and her hands going up to cover her lips as tears fell through her glassy eyes.

"(Y/n)?" He asked, becoming scared of what would happen next.

The said woman turned towards him with tears falling from her face and onto the concrete below her feet.

Wonka smiled and opened his arms for her. (Y/n) sniffled with a smile and ran into his arms, placing her head onto his shoulder and inhaling his scent. Wonka wrapped his arms tightly around her.

"I knew you'd like it.." he laughed softly and slowly brushed her hair with his hand.

"When a woman like you looks to the sky, At the stars and planets passing by, If the woman's like me, she'll want to fly Into the stratosphere" he sang.

"And as we both rise into those skies. Your future will appear, That's why I've brought you To see the view from here

When a woman has just a touch of odd And she walks the streets without a nod ,She should know that odd is a gift from God. Like this starry blue chandelier

And the more she lives Perspective gives her sight so crystal clear That's why I brought you to see the view from here

So you could see the straights Magellan sailed The battlefields where good prevailed The pyramids, St. Peter's dome The tiny house that you call home..." finishing, Wonka could feel as (y/n) began to replace her posture.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she starred into his eyes.

"What did I do to deserve you?" She asked, whipping a tear from her face, then replacing her arm around Wonka's neck again.

"Strike that reverse it." He whispered, whipping another tear that came from (y/n)'s face.

"What did I do to deserve you." He stated.

(Y/n) looked over her shoulder at the sky again. "It really is beautiful.." looking back over at Wonka she smiled.

"But you're even more beautiful." He laughed slightly, looking down in embarrassment.

(Y/n) placed her fingers under his chin and forced him to look at her.

"I love you, Willy Wonka."

The words almost came out in slow motion for Wonka, but he couldn't have been happier to hear them.

"I love you just as much." He smiled widely and leant down to lightly place his lips onto (y/n).

(Y/n) humbly agreed, and began to kiss back. Even though the kiss was passionate it had meaning and a reason behind it. Love.
Sorry it's so short! I've just been in the writing mood ,so I'm trying to get as many done as I can. Request are always open. Thank you for the support ❤️

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