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Bellamy POV
(The ark came down 2 months ago)
It's been 6 months since I've seen Clarke. I miss her so much. I'm worried about where she is just as much I'm worried about our child. What if something happened to Clarke, even worse the baby? I don't want to think all the negatives but she and the other 47 have been missing for months now. The baby should be born by know, but who knows. I just hope her and the baby are okay.

Clarke POV
It's been six months since we've been in Mount Weather and I know it's too go to be true. I've known it's been too good to be true since the day we got here. Bellamy and I's baby was born a month ago. Her name is Bella Octavia Blake. She brought so much joy to my life right now. I wished Bellamy was here here to see her born, but since I'm in Mount Weather and he isn't he couldn't see the birth of our first born. I'm going to escape today. I slit my wrist and had to go to medical. Maya fixed up my wrist and I sat on the bed with little Bella in her sling. I gave her medicine that will make her sleep while I try to escape. We went into a big room full of cages. Inside the cages were Grounders. I saw a familiar face. It was Anya. I unlocked her cage and helped her get out. But as she was almost out a doctor came in and we both got into her small cage. When the doctor left we got out and went to a smaller room. It was small and empty. Within seconds the floor beneath us disappears. We drop into a pit of dead Grounders. First I made sure Bella was okay then we hurried up and out of the Grounders pit before anything happens and we run. We run and run for a while til we reach the exit. The cave was our exit. When we get out if the cave we run and run. We were about to rest for the night, but we saw lights in the distance. We walk to the lights and when we reach them we see a big gate. We try to find the entrance, we were almost at the entrance when I heard gunshots. I turn to Anya and see her with a bullet in her chest. She's dead. I hear people coming towards us. I sit next to her until the people come towards us. They grab me by my arms and 'drag' me to their gate. They don't realize who I am or that I have a baby.

My night shift just started when I hear the gaurds saying they got one. I walk out and see a blonde girl being 'dragged'. It's Clarke. It's my daughter. I run over to her.

"Abby you can't interfere with the Grounders!"


I ran to her and demanded the gaurds to release her. I go to hug her then she pulls away. I hear crying like a baby cry. She pulls a baby out of a sling.

"Mom, this is your grandchild." Clarke says as she cradles the baby

Everyone including the guards are shocked

"Clarke, she beautiful! What her name?" Abby says in shock

"Her name is Bella Octavia Blake." Clarke says proudly

"Blake? As in Bellamy Blake?" Abby asks

"yeah." Clarke says calming Bella down

Clarke and Abby walk into Abby's room. Clarke cradles Bella and Bella falls asleep. Abby makes Bella and Clarke a bed and they fall asleep for the night. The next morning they wake up and talk.

"When did this happen?" Abby asks

"9 months ago." Clarke says

"Why didn't you tell me?" Abby asks

"I wanted to tell you in person." Clarke says with sadness in her voice as she cradles a sleeping Bella in her arms

"Okay. Clarke are you okay?" Abby asks concerned

"No." Clarke says sadly

"Why?" Abby asks confused

"When we made an explosion to kill the Grounders Bellamy wasn't in the Dropship." Clarke says holding back tears

"And?" Abby asks

"He's dead!" Clarke says crying

"No he's not." Abby says

"He isn't?" Clarke says sniffling

"No he went to go look for you. He has been for months." Abby reassures

Clarke POV: With that we heard gaurds outside saying They're Back. I walk outside while my mom holds Bella. She told me to go and she will be out in a minute. I see him walking through the gate. Bellamy. I run up to him and we hug and have one long kiss.

"There's something I thought I'd never see, again!" Octavia says as she watches them have their moment

They hug for a while then Bellamy notices my baby bump is gone.

"Clarke, the baby?" Bellamy says

"This is our daughter Bella Octavia Blake." Clarke says as Abby walks up and hands Clarke their daughter

"She's beautiful Clarke!" Bellamy says as Clarke hands him Bella and looks into the eyes of his daughter

"She is!" Clarke says happy that her family is back together

"Octavia? You named her after me?" Octavia asks surprised about the name

"You were the first to start helping me and she needed to be named after you." Clarke says with a smile on her face

"Thank you!" Octavia says as she hugs Clarke, then she leaves to find Lincoln

Bellamy and Clarke walk back to his tent with their arms around each other and Bellamy holding Bella. They have the biggest smiles on their faces. They are both happy that they are back together. Their small family is finally together again.

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