It's been a month since we've been back to camp. Bellamy hasn't taken his eyes off us since we've gotten back. Today we are saving our people from Mount Weather. We are also saving the Grounders from Mount Weather under a peace deal with Lexa, the Commander of the Grounders. We made a plan for Bellamy to go inside the Mountain and be the inside man of this mission."Bellamy it's time!" Lincoln says as Octavia comes in and hugs him
"Okay." Bellamy says as he hands Clarke Bella
"Stay safe!" Clarke says
They have one big hug and a kiss
"I will!" Bellamy says
"May we meet again" Clarke says holding back tears
"May we meet again." Bellamy says as he kisses Bella and Clarke on the forehead and leaves with Lincoln
After Bellamy leaves I give Bella to Jackson so he can watch her while the attack goes on. My mom, Kane, our army of gaurds, and I get ready for our trip to Tondc. Octavia left for Tondc right after Lincoln and Bellamy left. We get everything ready and Jackson walks towards us cradling Bella.
"May we meet again." Clarke says as she kisses Bella's forehead and leaves for Tondc.
Clarke POV
We're on our way to Tondc and Bellamy still hasn't talked. Maybe he is trying to work something out. Or *sniffle* maybe he's dead. We get to Tondc and Lexa needed to talk with me."Clarke, we need to talk." Lexa says
"Okay." Clarke says as Lexa leads her to her room
"Did Bellamy respond yet?"
"Well if he doesn't respond soon you know what we have to do."
"I know..."
"Clarke, everything will be okay." Lexa says as she leans in to kiss Clarke
"Lexa, I can't do this. I have a daughter and a boyfriend now."
"Yeah, I get it. I'm sorry."
"It's okay.
Then the walkie starts making noise
"Bellamy...Bellamy.....are you there?"
"I'm here."
"Thank God."
"Clarke, the acid fog is down."
"Good, we leave now" Lexa asks
"Okay, now try and get the Grounders and our people out too"
"Okay, I'll try. I gotta go."
"Okay, I love you!"
"I love you too."
Lexa and Clarke get their armies ready and leave for the mountain
Next day
Clarke POV
We are ready to take back what is ours. We have our Armies and our soliders. Lexa and I's group are walking to Mount Weather while Indra and Octavia's group goes to the cave entrance and Raven and Finn go to the Dam to cut their power. Everything is going as planned. As we reach the entrance I get a transmission from Raven. She and Finn got the power out and it's time to open the door. We try to open the door, but it doesn't work. We are about to set the bomb when shooters from Mount Weather start shooting at us. We get back and set off the explosion. We need to try and open the door but we can't with the shooters, so Lexa and some Grounders go up the mountain to take out the shooters so we can get in. Minutes later the shooting stops. Lexa comes back and the door opens. One by one Grounders come out."What is this Lexa?"
"I've made a deal with them. I get my people back and they get to keep yours."
"Why would you do that Lexa?"
"I have to think about what is right for my people."
"Yeah, what about my people?"
"That's not of my concern anymore."
"Is this because I turned you down when you tried to kiss me?"
"Clarke, that has nothing to do with this."
"Are you sure? Because that's the only reason I can think of as to why you would do this."
"I'm sure." Lexa says as she sounds the retreat and her and the Grounders leave the Sky People without their people

May We Meet Again
FanficThis is a Bellarke Fanfic with some events from the actual show. There will be up's and down's and multiple reunions. Read to find out!!! Linctavia is also in here too I DONT OWN ANY OF THE RIGHTS OF THE 100. THE OWNER OF THE 100 HAS THE RIGHTS.