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6 years later
(Madi is 14. Eliza is 6. Bella is 9.)
Clarke POV
It's been 6 years since Praimfaya and 6 years since Eliza was born. Eliza, Madi, and I have lived in the meadow for 6 years. I've talked to Bellamy on the radio for the past 6 years, but he still can't hear me. But I can hear them. My family is what's kept me alive all this time. They should be coming down soon, but it's a matter of when and where.

"Bellamy, it's been 2,199 since Praimfaya. I've been calling you for the past 6 years. We have 2 new daughters Eliza and Madi. Madi is a nightblood, but we've been together since almost the beginning so she is basically family now. Eliza wants to meet you. She has been since she could talk. I wish you were here. I know I repeat the same thing everyday, but I want you to hear it." Clarke says as she sits in the he edge and talks to the radio. Madi and Eliza are sleeping in the Rover when a ship comes

"Mom, what's that?" Madi asks walking out of the Rover

"Get back into the Rover. Now! Don't let Eliza out of your sight." Clarke demands.

"Okay." Madi says running back into the Rover

The ship lands. It looks familiar. It's the ship that they are on.

"BELLAMY? Hello? Anyone there!?" Clarke says she the ship doors open

"CLARKE?!" Bellamy yells as he walks out of the ship

"Your still alive!" Clarke almost yells as she runs up to Bellamy and they hug and kiss. There foreheads are touching. It's been years since they've felt each others love. It's been years since they've been back together. It's been years since they've felt the way they fell to each other.

"Dad, are you okay?" Bella asks as she walks over

"I'm fine." Bellamy says as he holds Clarke

"Bella?" Clarke says in shock

"Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Like me. Are you..." Bella says looking at Clarke

"Yes, I am your mom." Clarke says walking over to Bella

"Mom?" Bella says crying while hugging Clarke

"It's okay... Mommy's got you!" Clarke says trying to comfort Bella.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Eliza yells

"What the heck was that?" Bellamy says getting his gun ready

"MOMMY!" Eliza says running out of the Rover

"ELIZA! NO!" Madi yells chasing Eliza

"MOMMY!" Eliza says clinging onto Clarke

"I'm sorry mom, she had the nightmare again. I couldn't hold her." Madi says

"Mom? Clarke what's going on?" Bellamy asks confused as he puts his gun down

"This is our daughter Eliza Marie Blake." Clarke says smiling while comforting Eliza

Our daughter?" Bellamy asks still confused

"I found out 2 weeks after Praimfaya. That was 2,185 days ago. I thought it was radiation poisoning, but it was morning sickness. I tried telling you, but you couldn't hear me. I could hear you though." Clarke says still comforting Eliza but she is tearing up

"What about her?" Bellamy says motioning to Madi

"I am a nightblood from Polis. I escaped before Praimfaya hit. Clarke has been training me and taking care of me since before Eliza was born." Madi says

"Your the only one left?" Bellamy asks

"That I know of." Madi says still standing next to Clarke

"When did she become your mother?" Bellamy asks

"When Eliza was born. We were all eachother had left. She said that you could be my dad too. I was young at the time and I just lost my parents. I needed to have a mom figure or I don't think I would've survived. Without her I could've died." Madi says tearing up

"It's okay... I'll be your father... Only if you want me to be." Bellamy says holding Madi

"Okay." Madi says as she wipes her tears, Clarke stands up holding Eliza

"Eliza, remember the stories I told you..." Clarke says putting Eliza down wiping the tears from her eyes

"Yeah, those are my favorite stories. You said daddy was in space with sissy and one day they will come back to Earth. And that Auntie Octavia, Uncle Lincoln, and Cousin Alex are in a bunker somewhere." Eliza says playfully

"Well, your daddy and sissy are here now." Clarke says motioning to Bellamy and Bella

"Really?" Eliza asks excitedly 

"Really!" Bellamy says which makes Eliza turn her head towards Bellamy

"Daddy!!!" Eliza yells running into Bellamy arms. Bellamy grabs her and holds her with tears coming out of his eyes

"Eliza?" Bella says walking towards Bellamy and Eliza

"Sissy!" Eliza says as Bellamy puts her down and she runs to Bella and hugs her

"Woah, she was like me when I was her age." Bella says holding Eliza trying not to fall

"We're finally back together." Clarke says as she hugs Bellamy and they walk over to Bella and Eliza. They have one big family hug, but someone is missing

"Madi, come here, you are part of our family now." Clarke says disconnecting from the hug and walks towards Madi who is alone

"No you should have your family time." Madi says

"You are our family now." Clarke says holding Madi's hand

"Okay." Madi says with a smile on her face and she and Clarke walked back to the hug. Bellamy grabs are and Madi and they are all one big happy family. Together forever.

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