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Same day
Bellamy POV
It's bed time for Bella so I put her to bed. I put her down on her little bed after she falls asleep and take something out of my pocket. A ring. It was a beautiful ring that I had for Clarke. I was going to propose to her after we came back from Mount Weather. But it never happened. I've kept it in my pocket for a while and I want to do it. I want to propose to her, but I need to find the right time. I could've done it when I went to Polis, but it wasn't a good time. I just stare at Bella and play with the ring in my hands. I just think about what my life would be without them. Without Bella and Clarke. I would not have survived if it want for them. So I owe them so much. I owe even more to Bella. Just as I was going to sleep, Kane came in.

"We need you outside."

"okay." Bellamy says as he gets up and outs the ring back in his pocket

Raven comes in

"I'll watch her." Raven says sitting next to Bella

"Okay." Bellamy says as he leaves

Kane and Bellamy head to the gates, where there are two clan leaders

"Wanheda has sent for you to come back to Polis. Alone."

"For what?"

"That's all she said. She said someone had to tell you something but that's it."

"Okay... I'll go tomorrow."

Bellamy POV
what did Clarke have to tell me this time?
Next Day
Bellamy POV
I just got to Polis and I'm walking towards the tower. I decided to leave Bella in Arkadia because it was safer than to take her out in the open. I arrived and a Grounder brought me to Clarke's room. Inside the room was Clarke, Octavia, and Lincoln. What happened now? Octavia comes up to me and hugs me. It's been a month or two since we've seen each other.

"I'll give you guys space." Clarke says as she leaves

"I'll leave too. Get me when your ready." Lincoln says as he leaves to gaurd the door

"Why am I here?" Bellamy asks

"I need to tell you something." Octavia says hesitantly

"Your joining Trikru?" Bellamy asks

"I already joined them. But that's not it?" Octavia says

"What wrong then?" Bellamy asks

"I'm pregnant Bellamy." Octavia says

"you are?" Bellamy asks surprised

"yeah." Octavia says looking at Bellamy

"Well, congrats sis!" Bellamy tells Octavia happily he picks her up and swings her around in a hug

"Thanks!" Octavia answers overjoyed

"How far along are you?" Bellamy asks happy

"I think four weeks." Octavia answers with joy in her voice

"What's that?" Bellamy asks seeing something shiny on her finger

"What?" Octavia asks confused

"On your hand. Is it a ring?"

"oh... Lincoln proposed yesterday."

Octavia brings Lincoln in

"Congrats you guys."

"Thank you Bellamy!" Lincoln answers

"Keep her safe, you hear me?"

"I won't take my eyes off her."

"We gotta go, but I'll come back soon."

Clarke POV
After Octavia and Lincoln left Bellamy left too. All he said was Goodbye to be then he left. At least he's talking too me. The worse he could do was completely ignore me.

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