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2 months later
Octavia POV
It's almost time to meet our child. I'm due at any moment. Lincoln is out hunting and I'm trying to help out around camp. I was walking back to our tent when I felt something come out if me. My water broke. Clarke and Bellamy we're helping around camp and saw me standing in there.

"O, what's wrong?" Bellamy asks as he and Clarke walk over to her

"My water broke." Octavia says with her hand under her belly. She almost falls but Bellamy catches her

"Bellamy take her to medical and I will get Lincoln. Where is he?" Clarke orders

"He just left for a hunting trip. He shouldn't be far." Octavia says as Bellamy picks her up bridal style and brings her to medical

"Okay." Clarke says running to the control room. She grabs a walkie and trys to call Lincoln

"Lincoln are you there?" Clarke says taking deeps breaths from running

"Clarke what's wrong?" Lincoln asks over the walkie

"Octavia, she's in labor." Clarke says over be walkie

"I'll be right there!" Lincoln says frantically

*10 minutes later*

When Lincoln arrives at the camp gates he throws his gear on the floor and runs into medical. People make way for him so he can get in. He could hear her screaming in pain. He sees Octavia in pain and gives her some medicine to help with the pain. She starts to calm down and her breathing regulates again.

*5 minutes later*

"Congratulations Octavia, it's a beautiful baby boy!" Abby says as she hands a cleaned baby to Octavia and Lincoln

"He's beautiful!" Octavia says teary eyed as she looks at Lincoln

"He is." Lincoln says

"Good job sis." Bellamy says happy for his sister

"Thanks Bell." Octavia says she holds the baby and looks to her big brother

"What's his name?" Clarke asks

"Alexander Ryder Blake." Octavia says looking at Lincoln

(Since Grounders don't have last names the baby got the mothers last name)

"It's perfect." Lincoln says wait a smile on his face, while Octavia lays on his side and then look at their newborn child

"Welcome to the family Alex!" Bellamy says as he hugs Clarke and they watch at how happy they are.

Clarke and Bellamy leave

"It's been a long time since I've seen her that happy!" Bellamy says as he and Clarke walk to get Bella

"When was the last time she was that happy?" Clarke says holding Bellamy hand

"When she went to the Unity Mascarade Dance. It was the first time she was actually herself and she got to see Earth." Bellamy says as they see Bella in the distance

"So, it's been a very long time since than." Clarke says as she picks up Bella

"Yeah." Bellamy says as they walk back to their tent

"At least she is happy now." Clarke says as they enter their tent and she sits on the ground, while Bellamy sits on a chair in the room

"How was Bella's birth?" Bellamy asks

"Long and painful. But they had medicine that helped with it." Clarke says stroking their daughters hair

"Who was with you?" Bellamy asks as Bella crawls to him

"Harper and Maya were there. Harper and I were really close while we were in there." Clarke says watching their daughter

"I wish I was there." Bellamy says with sadness in his voice

"I do too. At least we're together now." Clarke says with sadness in her voice too

"yea." Bellamy says

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