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Clarke POV
I'm leaving Polis today. The 13 clans defeated Azgeda and everyone is safe again. Bella might actually have a future to live in. I get my hood on and ride to Arkadia. I reach the gates and get off my horse and I walk towards the gate.

"Show yourself!" A gaurd demands

Clarke removes the hood and reveals her face. Her long red and blonde hair. Her face has some dirt and scars on jt but her face is still noticeable. She even looks stronger than she was the last day she was in Arkadia.

"OPEN THE GATES! It's Clarke!" The gaurd yells

Clarke walks in and she has stares from lots of people. Murmurs from people she once knew. She even heard someone say It's A Trap. She didn't  care one bit of the comments said about her. The first person to walk up to her is her mom. She hugs her so tight.

"I missed you so much Mom."

"I missed you too."

They have a quick moment, then Raven, Monty, and Jasper come out an hug Clarke. Then Bellamy comes out holding Bella.

"Clarke?" Bellamy asks

"Bellamy!" Clarke fills with joy

"Bella, look it's mama!" Bellamy says as he walks towards Clarke

"Ma-Ma." Bella says in her baby voice, causing Clarke to get teary eyed

Bellamy walks towards Clarke and they hug for a while (like they did in the show, when they reunited after Clarke came back from Mt.Weather, except Bellamy is holding a baby.) They are both on tears. "I MISSED YOU" was said from both of them, only loud enough for the other person to hear. They don't share a kiss....yet.

"There's something I thought I'd never see again." Octavia says from the crowd

"Octavia!" Clarke says as she walks towards Octavia and gives her a hug

"Your finally back." Octavia says with a smile on her face

"how's the baby?" Clarke says in a quiet voice

"Everyone already knows. And the baby is good." Octavia says

"Good." Clarke says as Bellamy walks up to her

Bellamy gives Bella to Clarke and she holds her. They walk together to their tent, holding hands, with smiles on their faces. The first thing they did when they entered the tent was kiss. They took a long kiss.

"I've been waiting to do that again for a long time, Princess." Bellamy says with a smirk on his face

"Me too." Clarke says smiling

"Ma-Ma." Bella says as she whines because she tries to walk, but continues to fall.

"awwww.... its okay Bella. Our sweet baby girl is getting so big now." Clarke says teary eyed as she picks up Bella

"yeah, she is." Bellamy says as he stands next to Clarke, who has the biggest smile on her face. They are finally happy again.
Later that night
Raven, Finn, Monty, Jasper, Harper, Bryan, Miller, Octavia, Lincoln, Bellamy, Clarke, and Bella sat next to the campfire. Bella was sleeping Clarke's arms and Bellamy hand his arms around Clarke. Clarke layed on Bellamy's shoulder and so did Raven and Finn and Octavia and Lincoln. They talk about what has happened since they've been down on Earth, what is happening now, and what might happen in the future. They talk about their futures together, not as friends, but family.

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