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Clarke POV
I remember that night 2 months ago when I made a mistake that would change my life.

"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure!"

I need to tell somebody before it becomes too late. I don't know who to tell and when to tell anyone. I don't know what to do so all I do is cry. Its all so much so I cry with my head in my knees. I try not to cry loudly but after a while someone comes in.

"Clarke, what's wrong?"


"Clarke what's wrong?"


"Clarke, you are being your eyes out what's wrong?"

"Can I show you?"


"Um...." Clarke says as she hesitantly lifts up her revealing a small baby bump and touches her baby bump

"Oh my gosh Clarke when did this happen?"

"2 months ago.... I've known for a while I just don't know who tell."

"Who did this? I swear I'm going to kill whoever did this to you!"

"I don't think you would want to kill them, maybe hurt them but not kill."

"Clarke, who did this?"


"My brother did this to you.....Does he know?"

"No he doesn't know and I would like to keep it that way for now."

"Okay, but you need to tell him soon."

"I know, I'm waiting for the right time to tell him."

"Everything will be okay.... I'll be here for you. If you need anything you know where to find me."

"Thank you Octavia."

"Your welcome Clarke."

Octavia leaves and I fix myself up. I need to gain the strength and braveness to tell Bellamy about our child. I go outside the Dropship and walk towards Bellamy.

"Bellamy we need to talk?"

"Sure Princess."

They walk into the Dropship and went to the top floor and locked the hatch/door.

"What did you want to talk about Princess?"



"I'm pregnant."



"Your not happy about it?"

"I am, it's just that I didn't want to have kids this early. I'm only 18."

"I know it's early for you and me but it could be a fresh start for us and for everyone else in camp."

"It could. I'm scared something with happen to the baby or me."

"Nothing will happen to you or our child."

"Thank you Bellamy."

"Your welcome. Who else knows?"

"Octavia just found out, but she's the only one that knows besides you."

"Okay, are you going to tell anyone else?"

"No, they will find out soon enough."

"How long have you know?"

"I've known for a while but I'm sure I'm 2 months."


"Thank you Bellamy."

"Your welcome Clarke."
1 month later
Bellamy has been very helpful this past month. He has been supportive to us. Since the camp only has a certain amount of ration a day per person he and Octavia have been sneaking more for us because my hunger has been increasing and I'm hungry all the time. Nobody knows about Bellamy and I's relationship or the baby, except Octavia, and I'm trying to keep it that way as long as I can, but it's getting harder too. My clothes are getting tighter and my belly is getting bigger now. I don't know how much longer I can keep it secret. Yesterday we got a message from the Grounders saying they are coming for us in 72 hours, that only 3 days. That gives Raven 3 days to build the explosion that could take out the Grounders. Raven can do this because she is the best Zero-G Mechanic from the Ark and she can build or fix anything. Considering she rebuilded an old space pod capable of going through Earth's atmosphere, I'm sure she can do this. She came down to Earth a week ago. She has a radio from the space pod that she came down with and we talk to the Ark with it. My mom said she is going in the next ship coming down to Earth. It's about time for me too sleep because I'm really tired, but as I'm going to the Dropship to sleep and I something coming out of the sky. It's the ship my mom is on. More and more people start looking at it. I can't wait to see my mom, but something is wrong. It's going to fast and within seconds it smashes into a distant mountain and explodes. My mom is gone... forever. I start to cry and I drop to the ground. Bellamy picks me up as I cry and calms me. He brings me to my tent and sets me down on my "bed".

"Bellamy, stay with me?" Clarke says softly to Bellamy before he gets up

"Okay." Bellamy says as sits down and wraps his arms around Clarke and the baby

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