chapter 2

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Red Fire Agency  Naruto pov
" Really out of all the people in our agency you sent James to come and get me..." I sighed and sat down in a chair across from my boss. "It was either him or deidara" My boss stated. My brother is the boss; kurama.

"Deidara probably would of bombed the place," I grabbed the paper out the mission file reading it slowly. " Naruto I know you don't like these missions but it's for the safety of the people in the leaf village." Kurama handed me the picture of the victim and the bad guy.

I got up and walked out the door but not before saying, " Mom and dad would be proud of you."

" Come on garaa and james!" They were taking so long. If they don't hurry up the victim might already be dead by the time we get there.

3rd pov
After 2 years of waiting on garaa and James the boys hopped in to the van and left their hideout. "Ok. Here's the plan, James you distract the bad guy while I sneak up on him and garaa you get the victim." Naruto said handing them a few gadgets. "James put a shirt on!!!" Garaa yelled hitting his idiot of a cousin in his head.

"Naruto likes it when I have no shirt on." James whined holding his head injury. "No I do not!" Naruto yelled. They walked into the building after forcing a shirt on James.

(Since I'm to lazy to actually write what happen let's just say the plan workes)

"Are you ok?" Naruto asked the girl while he took the tape off her mouth. "Yes, thank you for saving me!" She screamed basically killing his ear drums. "No problem" he said smiling at her and she blushed.

After mission
" I'm home kurama" naruto yelled taking off his shoe and jacket. Naruto had heard moaning and knew it was his brother and itachi. (Naruto doesn't know that itachi and sasuke are brothers). " Well I guess I'm making my own dinner tonight."

Morning Naruto pov
"Naruto get up!!!!!" Kurama yelled, throwing a pillow to his face. "Oww!?" I know it's just a pillow but it hurt like hell. "Your 2 hours late for school idiot!" Kurama started to yell and throw my blanket every where.

After my brothers tantrum I got dress.  I did all my bathroom needs brushing my teeth, washing my face, and etc. Since my brother left for work i took the orange mustang. Buzz Buzz... "That must be James."

James: Hey babe can you pick me up pwease ;)

Naruto: sure and I'm not ur babe idiot!

James: whatever you say naru~

"I might end up killing him on purpose by accident" naruto laughed. Once naruto got to his house James was sitting on the porch listening to music. Honk... "Come on idiot!!"
Naruto yelled.

Sasuke pov
'Where's my soon to be wife?' Today I'm gonna make a move on my love. "Naruto your late and who's your buddy" kakashi said not even looking up from his favorite book. "Hi my name is James. Naruto is my boyfriend" James pulled narutos waist and put his chin on his shoulder. All the girls aww in upset

"No I'm not!" Naruto wacked him upside the head and took a seat next to kiba. "James you can sit next to sasuke. Raise your hand sasuke." I raised my hand as the familiar boy sat right next to me.

"Hi I'm James, wanna cigarette?" He handed me a cigarette and I just look at it. "You know this can give you cancer dude" I gave the cigarette back. "Dude get the stick out your ass" James laughed.

"NO TALKING!!" Kakashi yelled going back to his boring lesson.

Ring ring

"Come on James the cafeteria is this way" naruto grabbed James arm. I really hope naruto isn't taken by that retard.

"James this is kiba, sakura, ino, shika, choji, neji, hinata, ten ten, lee, and sasuke" naruto sat down introducing every body to James. "Hi my name is James" I do have to say James does have good looks but no where close to me.

"James and I were thinking about throwing a party if you all wanted to come?" Naruto said while eating his chips. "We could use your parents pent house" James said taking one of naruto chips. 'If I go to naruto's party I could get to know him more' I though

"So sasuke are you coming?" Naruto smirked. "Hm sure" I nodded. "Naruto maybe ino and I can go shopping with you and James to get party supplies" sakura suddenly blurted out blushing. "Of course ladies" james gave each of them a kiss on the cheek.

No pov
"James are you dating anyone?~" ino asked blushing. "Nope" James plopped a cigarette in his mouth. Sakura and ino squealed. "You can have naruto I can get James" ino whispered to sakura causing them to squeal even more.

"There you two are. Do you know how hard it is to sneak into a school without getting caught!" Garaa whispered yelled grabbing both of them by the ear. "Hey watch the earring!" Naruto whined. "Naruto who's this?" Kiba said glaring at the red head guy that looked a little older than them.

"This is garaa that's James cousin and my half blood brother you can say" Naruto said rubbing his pained ear. "Nice to meet you but I have to take these idiots. Say by to your friends." Garaa said grabbing their ears again. "Hey you made me drop my cigarette!" James cried. "Let me go garaa your gonna rip my ear off." Naruto whined.

"Does anybody else feel bad that we just let that happened?" Sakura said. "No not really they will be fine. I think" shika said. All the girls started fangirling as the 3 sexiest guys just walked out the lunch room.

Naruto: Ear abuse!!!


Author-chan: sorry guys but it's part of the story

Sasuke: will I be getting to fuck my little ball of sunshine at the party???

Author-chan: we will have to see ;)

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