chapter 5

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At the agency Naruto pov
"So what are we going to do about garaa?" I asked sitting down and eating grapes. Since everything happen garaa still hasn't came back. (He's on face time with his brother and itachi) "I want you, James, deidara, and sasuke to get back garaa" kurama said currently putting a shirt on. "Wait what!? Sasuke is inexperience and he could get hurt" I was so surprised he said sasuke. He could get really hurt and I love him so much. "Naruto i need you to train him. Some how the other agency found out about him being my brother, if you don't train him he could be in  Jeopardy" itachi said suddenly popping up in front of the camera. "Of course I will tell him today" I wish it wasn't this way but it can't be that bad could it? "Also stay away from my brother you pervert!!" Itachi glared at me and I blushed. "No can do, he's going to have my babies soon" I laugh hanging up half way between itachi's scream.

Buzz Buzz

James: bro guess wht!

Naruto: ???

James: I think I found sasuke's diary

Naruto: how did you find his diary?

James: he left it in my gym bag when we were in PE

Naruto: bring his diary to school...hehehe

James: ok ; )

I wonder what my little sasu~ have in his diary. Probably some pictures of me. "I should really get his number though" Its almost time to go anyway. I have over 23  absents in the 3 weeks I been here, I wasn't even here 23 days.

Sasuke pov
I think I might lose my mind this morning. I can't find my diary. I know I'm a boy and stuff but that diary is my stress relief and pervert thoughts. I'm going to be late for school now. I'll just see if I left it in my locker.

Buzz Buzz

Suigetsu: we have a big big problem actually more like you do!

Sasuke: what happened!!!

Suigetsu: I think Naruto and James found your diary

Sasuke: wtf you mean found my diary!? Do you know how much stuff is in there!?

Suigetsu: I heard them talking about it when they came in school. But the good thing is that he said he hasn't read it yet.

Sasuke: can you get it from him?

Suigetsu: I have detention right now, I'm only talking to you because the teacher is sleeping

Sasuke: ok I'll be there quick!

"I'm going to kill myself" I yelled rushing to my car. I literally almost crashed getting to the school. I ran in school and everybody stared at me as I sped threw the hallways.
"Where's naruto?!" I yelled at the teacher heavily breathing. "I think he's in gym" the teacher said not really caring about the outburst. "Naruto!!!" I yelled running into the locker room. I saw a tuffle of his blond hair and ran towards him.

"Hey sasuke slow down. I know your excited to see me" Naruto smirked, he had no shirt on and I lost what I was going to say. "Um...sasuke" he waved his hand in front of my face a couple times and I snapped out of it. "You have my diary and put a shirt on!!" I yelled blushing and throwing a shirt at him. He started to smirk not like a regular smirk but the smirk you do when you find something secretive LIKE MY DIARY!!!

" mean this diary" he waved it in the air as I tried jumping for it. Just to let you know he is like 7 inches taller then me.
"Naruto hand it over" I jumped again and fell into his sexy chest, tan chest, lovable and soft chest. Omg I'm the most perverted person in the world besides kakashi.
Everybody was gone out the lockerroom it was just me and him. "Sasu~ I didn't know you though about me like that" he whispered in my ear. I am so going to kill myself later.

I backed up looking at him he smirked and came closer. "I never though such a quiet guy could think like this" he licked the side of my neck. I moaned and leaned my head back.

No pov
Naruto grabbed sasuke and picked him up against the lockers while sasuke wrapped his legs around him. He gave hickeys on sasuke's neck while sasuke's hands roamed his abs. "Ahh..ah" Sasuke moaned as Naruto grinded his erection against him. "Sasu~ u taste so good" Naruto whispered in his ear as he nibbled on his ear. Suddenly Naruto grabbed sasuke ass and grinded at the same time and sasuke let out a loud moan. He got embarrassed and covered his mouth with his hand.

"Let me hear you baby boy~" Naruto smirked and did it again. "Uh...naru~" if Naruto keep repeating his movement sasuke knew he would cum in his pants soon. "Not to be a cock block or anything but we got a mission" James said walking back out the locker room. Sasuke cheeks were super red, he was blushing so hard. Naruto just put sasuke down and gave him a kiss. "Gotta go baby boy~" Naruto smirked putting his shirt on and leaving the locker room.

Sasuke saw the red scratch marks he left on his back and blushed even harder if he can. "Bro what just happened I can here your moan in the hallway" suigetsu came running in smirking and looking at sasuke
"I'm going home" sasuke said blushing and walked out the lockeroom not noticing the red hickeys all over his neck but, everybody in the hallway saw them and blushed.

Naruto Pov
"Somebody had fun with the little uchia" James laughed pulling out his phone and showing me pictures of us. "You took pictures!! You pervert" I grabbed the phone and blushed. I am so gonna fuck him before itachi comes back. "Look at all the hickeys you left on his neck dude" James pointed towards his neck. "Woah I did leave a lot of hickeys" I whispered to my self.
Author-chan: should the lemon scene be before the mission or after?

Sasuke: AFTER!

Author-chan: whatever you say sasuke

Kiba: I should be in every chapter!

Author-chan: *leaves conference room*

Kiba: HEY!!!!

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