chapter 6

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Morning Naruto pov

Ringgg ringgg

"Hello??" It was an hour before school started and somebody calls me. This call better be important. "Naruto this is kurama, have you told sasuke about the situation yet" kurama whispered in the phone. Fuck I forgot to tell sasuke. "No" I answered quietly waiting for him to scream. All I heard is a bunch of moving around. " WTF Naruto you had one job?!" Itachi yelled through the phone.

I yawned and put my phone on speaker as I was in the bathroom so I could still hear what he was screaming about. "Naruto can I ask you one question?" itachi stopped screaming and got serious. "Sure" I yawned and fixed my bed.
"Did you fuck my little brother?" He said with venom in his voice. "No not yet but we did have a little love cession" I laughed with a huge smirk on my face. I heard some more moving around. "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU IF YOU TOUCH HIM ONE MORE TIME!!" Itachi screamed through the phone while I laughed the whole time.

"Sorry itachi but me and him have plans to go have fun~ I can't wait to touch his smooth skin, press my lips against his soft lips, rub my hands over his plump little ass" I kept on listing things and itachi kept on screaming.
"School starting got to go" I hung up and got a full blast text from itachi filled with curse words. "He does have plumb ass though" I whispered to my self.

Dingg donggg
"I'm coming!" I ran to the door falling on the stairs trying to put my pants on. I opened the door and James ran inside jumping onto the couch and sasuke just walked inside. "Umm..." I panicked sasuke was in my house. Like inside my freaking house. "Itachi and kurama said you had to talk to sasuke about something so I brought him over" James said running around the house looking for something. "You at least could of warn me you idiot" I whispered and ran upstairs to grab a shirt first.

Sasuke pov
I can't believe I am going to Naruto's house with this idiot. "You ready to see lover boy?" he smirked with a cigarette in his mouth. I just stared at the cigarette. "Naruto is a real charmer but he has so problems with not wearing a shirt" James laughed showing me pictures of naruto everywhere with no shirt. I blushed and looked out the window of his car. "Maybe you should just pay attention to the road" I commented putting on my seat belt. "To late to put the seat belt on we're here" we pulled up to a normal sized house with 2 mustangs one with naruto name on it and the other was pink with nothing on it.

"Don't pay attention to the pink one Naruto bought that for his ex and she dumped him before he could give it to her. She was really nice but her family wasn't really good people" James got out the car and ran towards the door. "How much you wanna bet he comes to the door with no shirt on" James knocked on the door and I heard somebody tripping down the stairs. "He opened the door and James ran in and I walked in like a normal person. He seemed shy for a minute.

He suddenly just ran up the stairs probably going to get a shirt. I sat on the couch looking around the living room. He had pictures of him and kurama every where.

Naruto Pov
'You got this Naruto it's just sasuke and your  tough' I though walking down the stairs and I saw his beautiful face and ran back upstairs. "Dude go down stairs and talk to him idiot" James said munching on some chips in my room. "Its not that easy, he's in my house" I started to walk back down stairs. "He will be in your bed soon too!" James yelled and I blushed. I hope he didn't hear that. I walked to the couch and kissed the side of his neck while he was on his phone. "You stop being scared" he said turning of his phone and turned towards me. "I wasn't scared, I don't get scared" I said seriously and kissed him on the lips. I squeezed his ass causing him to moan and I stuck my tongue in his mouth. "Well who was running up and down the stairs" sasuke smirked crossing his arms.

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