chapter 3

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Time skip to day of party
"Naruto do you like my dress~" sakura flirted with me. "Of course I do" I just smiled. I wasnt really interested in sakura, she was pretty in all but wasn't my type. I was looking for the sexy raven. He was quiet, sexy, and his skin was like a porcelain doll.

"Class can I have your attention! We are starting our test." Asuma passed out our papers. After a couple mins into the test sasuke walked in but he had bags under his eyes. " Your late sasuke" Asuma gave him his test. "Hm" all the girls began to squeal and blush even know he didn't look his self today. I watched as he walked to his seat throwing everything on the ground.

"Looks like someone has a crush...but aren't you and James dating?" Kiba whispered and smirked. "Nope but he claims we are. That sexy raven will be mine by the end of this week" Naruto smirked and winked at the raven. "Wanna make that a bet?" Kiba wiggled his eye brows. "Only if you ask hinata out too" Naruto smirked at the blushing kiba.

Ringg ringgg
"Before you rush out, you have a test next week so study!" Every body groaned and ran out the classroom. "Party time!! Hot chicks and sexy dudes!!" James yelled running towards narutos car. "I guess he's ready for the party. Oh and it startes at 7" i told kiba before hopping in my car and speeding down the round grabbing  everybody's attention causeing them to cheer.

Suigetsu: Hey dude are you going to narutos Party?

Sasuke: I don't think I should I'm not a party person :(

Suigetsu: But this is your chance to get to know him more ;)

Sasuke: but there will be a bunch of drunk idiots and untamed strippers

Suigetsu: bro sometimes you got to live wild in your life! Plus you could get him drunk and he could take you to his room *smirking*

Sasuke: *frowning* I guess but if the cops come I'm running for it.

Suigetsu: ok hurry I'm picking you up in 10 mins

"I really hope this goes right" I put on my black and grey windbreaker, my ripped red jeans, and my red and grey foamposites. 'I guess I'll leave itachi a note...not that I have to' i put the note on the kitchen counter.

Honk honk
"Come on princess!!" Suigetsu yelled out the window. I grabbed my wallet and got in the blue mustang. " You take as longggg as a girl dude" suigetsu is one of those guys that you wouldn't expect to have good grades but then do have good grades. We been best friends ever since birth. Even know his annoying I still hang out with him since me and itachi don't hang like that and my parents died in a car crash.

" Well you only gave me 10 min" I put on my seat belt as he sped down the road not giving a peek at the speed limit.

"The life of the party calls!!" Suigetsu yelled out the window. Once we were at the house it was full with high schoolers. It wasn't even 7 yet and it was crowded. " Im going to go flirt with somebody. See you dude" he waved at me. I didn't really know what he said but I assumed he's going to go flirt with random people. The house is really big and I got lost trying to find a friend. "Hey sasuke over here!!" Kiba called drunkly with his arm wrapped around hinata. "You made it I though you wasn't going to come!" He slurred a couple of his words.

" I have no choice. I was going to get dragged here either way" I sat next to some guy with 5 grapes up his nose and decided to just stand. "Where's Naruto?" I though the party thrower would be around here some where.
"Probably over there giving body shots" kiba pointed. "Thanks" I headed over to where kiba pointed and found the blond. He was laying on a table as some random girl licked alcohol off his abs.

No pov
"Hey sasuke you made it!" He got off the table and gave sasuke a hug. He was most likely drunk. "You wanna shot dude" he pushed some alcohol into sasuke hand. "No I'm fine" sasuke denied the drink. " Come on dude drink it I promise you won't die" Naruto smirked and took his shot .

Sasuke pov
As the fiery liquid went down my throat I started to question my choices of coming. "Let's go play some pool" he suggested pulling me to a empty pool table but not before seeing 2 guys fucking each other on top of one. Naruto sets up the game and hand me a cue stick. "You brake" he told me. As I was leaning over he came up behind me and tried to look where I was aiming for but at the same time his crouch was rubbing up against my ass. "Ummm... Naruto?" He was drunk but he still got what I was trying to say and backed up. When I hit the balls 2 knocked into the side whole.

"I might have a competition. James was never really good at this." He said as he hit 3 balls in as a trick shot. "Lets see who wins then" I smirked and he smirked back. "Whatever you say babe" I blushed. 'Did he just call me babe.'

After the game of pool
" I guess I'm staying as the king in pool" he states. "You cheated!" I yelled blushing and he just laugh taking a sip of his beer. "Well you shouldn't have had your butt in the air" he smirked licking his lips. "I was trying to hit the ball in!" I blushed deep red. His eyes were hypnatizing. He came closer into my face. 'Hes so gonna kiss me I sound like a school girl'. "Hey guys mind if I sit here" kiba came rushing in between us right before we met lips.

'Damn it kiba you mutt' I glared at kiba. "Bro where were you I was looking for you" kiba bro hugged Naruto. They talked for what seemed like hours and I just decided to leave. "Hey sasuke where you going!" Naruto got up. "I have to leave" I started to walk towards the door. "Wait up I'll walk you out" he put down his drink and caught up to me. Once we made it to the door passing all the crazyness he walked me to suigetsu car. "Thanks for coming to my party" he smirked kissing my hand. "No problem" I blushed scratching the back of my neck awkwardly. Suddenly in one quick move he grabbed my waist and pushed me up against the car and kissed me. His lips were so soft.

He squeezed my butt and I moaned. He took the chance to stick his tongue in my mouth. "you'll be moaning my name very soon baby boy~" he smirked and let me go. I was stuck in a trance as I watched him walk back into the house. "Hey lover boy could you get in the car already I'm tired" suigetsu yawned. I got into the car but on the ride home I couldn't stop feeling my lips they were so soft.

Garaa pov
"WHERE IS HE!!?" The guy yelled. "I don't know what your talking about" I whispered blood dripping down my head. "Let's make a deal you tell me where the blond idiot is and I won't kill you" he lifted up my chin. "Never you asswipe" I yelled and spit in his face. "Electrocute him" the other guy said. "Ahhhhha...ahhh" I yelled. 'I hope those idiots come quick.'
Author-chan: what happen to garaa and will Naruto and sasuke go out?? Find out in the next chapter!!!

Shika: what a drag

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