chapter 10

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Mission Time!!! Sasuke pov
"Baby boy it's time to go" I heard somebody whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and I was laying on Naruto. I got up and stretched. "Everybody remembers the plan right?" Deidara asked as we all walked to the car. "Yup" I yawned and hoped in the back seat with James. Deidara drove and Naruto sat in the passenger seat.

'Do not mess this up sasuke. Please don't get killed sasuke' I thought. I haven't used a katana since I was little and I was great at it. I wonder how they know? Probably itachi told them, most likely.

We stopped at a factory it looked like and we all got out the car. We parked far enough for the bad guys to not see us. "James go to the top of that hill. Naruto and sasuke you attack from the ground but, don't make any attention to your self till I turn off the surveillance cameras." Deidara said handing me and Naruto the shock bugs. I put some in the little bag I have and some in my pocket.
"Take these, we can communicate with them" he handed us each a talking peice.

"Ok I'm on the hill" James spoke through the talk peice. "We are going now" Naruto said back and we ran towards the factory. There was only 2 guys with guns in front of the door. We snuck behind them and broke their neck. "James shoot the outside cameras" Naruto whispered entering the building. "The surveillance cameras are off guys" the cameras light went from green to red around the building as we walked.

We speed walk down the hallways and looked around the corner. "Guess what dude, my wife is pregnant" one guard said to the other. "Congratulations Bob! Your going to be a father" now I felt bad since I was finna kill them. "Do we have to kill him his wife is pregnant" I whispered to Naruto and he frowned at me. We approach them and Naruto kicked the guy placing a shocker on his back. I kicked the other guy in his knee and when he bent down I hit his face with my knee and placed a shocker on his back.

We kept running down the hallways beating people up till we heard somebody yell. "That sounded like garaa" Naruto pointed to a door. "1...2....3" we busted into the room and nobody was in their but garaa. He had chains on his wrist and bruised and blood all over his arms and face. We ran to him and helped him up. "Took you long enough" garaa whinced getting up and put his arm around Naruto's neck. "You guy might wanna hurry I see back up running into the building" James said over the talk piece. "Im blowing this place up in 30 min with or without you! So you better come on" deidara yelled.

"Well look who I found Naruto Uzamaki" a girl came out. She smirked at Naruto.
"I don't know you" Naruto said looking at her confuse. She slammed the door locking us in. "First you break my heart now you don't remember me" she laughed and walked slowly towards us. I grabbed my katana and she looked at me. "You dated him over me...eww" I looked at her sideways and then looked at Naruto. He put garaa down and grabbed his quaterstaff from his back.

No pov
"I can't believe you don't remember me. Oh well that's unfortunate to not know what your going to die for" she pulled out a syth and I tensed. She ran towards Naruto and tried to kick him but he dodged it. "You can't hurt me Naruto I was the best fighter in the agency" when she said that Naruto froze. "Crazy Stacy" Naruto whispered and looked at her. "Its just Stacy and I see garaa hasn't changed either" Naruto frowned and tried punching her and she dodged it and grabbed his fist. She pushed him back and he just stood there.

She tried to attack him but sasuke jumped in the way and kicked her hip and she stumbled back. "Don't get between something your not involve" she smirked and pushed him away with the back of her syth but, he jumped to the side an hit her with the back of the katana. She coughed out blood. "Aren't you a feisty one" she laughed and kicked sasuke and he slid to garaa.

"I guess you did find the right one" she whispered in narutos ear. "Naruto we only have 10 minutes. We need to get out of here." Sasuke yelled at Naruto grabbing garaa and heading towards the door. "Baby boy" Naruto whispered and grabbed his staff and hit Stacy right in the face. She fell towards the ground. Naruto walked up to her and put a gun to her head. "Go ahead and kill me." She laughed and Naruto knocked her in the head with the gun and she passed out.

"She talks to much" Naruto stood up and ran to the door kicking it open and letting sasuke and garaa through. "Im glad your back idiot. We are going to have a long talk about that bitch" sasuke glared at him Naruto cheekily laughed. "Im gonna blow this shit up. Hurry up!!!" Deidara yelled  through the piece. Naruto and sasuke rushed through the hallways with garaa as fast as they could. "3...2...1" James counted down and the whole place exploded as they were only 10 feat from the building.

Naruto, Sasuke, and garaa flew into the air landing different places. "I think my lung is in my leg" Naruto groaned and sasuke laughed and coughed out blood. "Somebody call life alert!" James yelled running to help the 3 up and deidara following in behind.
"My Dick hurts" garaa said coughing and everybody started laughing. "Fuck school" sasuke groaned helping Naruto to the car.
"This will be my 246 tardy" Naruto said.

They sat in the car laughing on the way back to the agency. "Making my way down town walking fast, faces pass and I'm home bound" James sang to the song turning up the music. "Starring blankly ahead just making my way, making my way through the town" Naruto sang with him. "And I need you....and i miss you...and now I wonder" deidara and garaa sang at the same time. They all looked at sasuke and he shook his head no. "Come on just this once" Naruto smiled at him and sasuke groaned. "If I could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass me by...cause you know I walk a thousand miles" sasuke sang.

"IF I COULD JUST SEE YOU.....TONIGHT~" they sang together laughing and joking. They all went home after they stopped by the agency. Naruto and sasuke went to sasuke's house. "So you want to tell me about the Stacy girl?" Sasuke asked as they layed on the bed after their shower. "She's a nobody baby boy~" Naruto groaned grabbing sasuke and hugging him like the big baby he is. "Your such a lie but I'm tierd we will talk about this tomorrow" sasuke yawned holding Naruto towards his chest as Naruto wrapped his arms around him.

"Your such a big baby" sasuke whispered falling to sleep. "Your big baby" Naruto whispered doing the same.
Author-chan: I don't know why I pick a thousand miles but everybody knows that song sooo it's perfect.

Naruto: sasuke is a good singer. Don't tell him I said that!!

Sasuke: *eavesdropping and blushing*

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