chapter 8

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At school Naruto Pov
"WAKE UP NARUTO!!" Iruka yelled in my ear. I jumped up, realised I was in class and sat back down. Everybody started to laugh and I just layed my head back down. "Hey Naruto" James whispered. I turned around and he was twerking on top of the table. I started laughing out loud and everybody turned to me weird. "DETENTION!!" I groaned and walked out.

Instead of going to detention I went to the bathroom to text sasuke.

Naruto: Hey baby boy ; )

Sasuke: your in school right now. Pay attention

Naruto: I got sent to detention : (

Sasuke: just because I'm sick don't mean you can act out Naruto : (

Naruto: I know but it's boring and I miss grabbing your ass ; )

Sasuke: I'm going to sleep

Naruto: NO!! Talk to me

Sasuke: come to my house after school

Naruto: Ok! I love you baby boy♡

Sasuke: I love you too♡

Naruto: try I love you daddy : )

Sasuke: bye Naruto : |

I am so in love with him. After the mission I will take him on a proper date. When I came out the bathroom people were already heading to lunch. "Hey kiba! Dude it's been a while" he smiled and we bro hugged. "So what's going on with you and hinata?" I smirked and he blushed. We entered the cafeteria and sat at the usual table with our friends. "Depends on what's going on with you and sasuke" it was my turn to blush and his turn to smirk.

"Everybody has been talking about the locker room situation" neji said with his arm wrapped around ten ten. "We heard some moaning from Sasuke and the only people in there was you and him" kiba laughed at me. My face was super red and I could feel the heat. "What a drag" shikamaru groaned and put his head down most likely going to sleep. "I hate you guys" I whispered lookin away. "You love us. We like teasing you." Kiba laughed punching my shoulder.

"Now y'all know about my relationship. How about you guys?" I smirked and they blushed except the sleeping shikamaru.
"Kiba with hinata, neji with ten ten, shika with temari, lee with me, ino with sai, and you with sasuke" sakura said pointing to each person. "You and sasuke have y'all own fan girl group...I think they say it's called
Narusasu" ino said pointing to a bunch of girls with posters. The posters had a picture of me and sasuke walking to class together.

"I always knew the ladies love me" I sighed happy and kiba looked at me like seriously.
"Where is sasuke anyway?" Lee asked looking around for him. "He's sick" I said sneaking a fry from kiba's plate. "Is he Naruto? Is he really?" Sakura smirked and I blushed. "Yes he's sick!" I yelled at her and they laughed. I wish they would stop thinking I did something to him. Well I did but that doesn't mean anything. Ok maybe it does but don't assume.

*School bell*

"Well that's my que" I hopped out my seat and waved goodbye. "He's probably going to go see sasuke" neji whispered. "I heard that!" I glared and they laughed. When I got to my car James was already in. "No no no no I'm going to go see sasuke!" I yelled at him and he put a cigarette in his mouth and blew the smoke in my face. "We are suppose to be friends remember" I smacked the cigarette out his mouth, pulled him out the car, and drove off without him.

At sasuke house
"Sasuke open the door!" I knocked on the door but he wasn't answering so I just walked in. "Hello?" Nobody answered again. I walked up the stairs quietly just in case he was sleeping. When I went in his room I heard the shower on.

I opened the bathroom door and steam hit my face. I walked towards the curtain and peeked inside. He was washing his hair so, I grabbed his leg to scare him. "WHAT THE HELL!!!" He screamed like a girl and threw the soap at my head. "Ow that hurt" I rubbed my head and looked in the foggy mirror. "That's your fault for scaring people idiot" he glared and continued his shower.

I walked out the bathroom and fell back on his bed. It was really soft and warm. "Get off my bed unless you want to get sick" he had no shirt on and a pair of basketball shorts.
"If I get sick I can be with you" I mumbled with a pillow on my face. I felt him sit on my stomach and grab the pillow from me. "Your so ugly" he smirked grabbing my face and kissing it. "I didn't know you were into ugly guys" I smiled and he rolled his eyes. He slid down to sit on my waist and he pulled my shirt up and taking it off. He gently touch my abs. Slithering every finger over every line. "Like what you see?" I winked and he chuckled a little, staring into my eyes.

He put his hand on my cheek softly. "Your so handsome" he whispered and I just smiled as he felt all over my upper body. He leaned down to my neck and kissed my adams apple also leaving hickeys on my chest.
"I'm tierd let's go to sleep" he whispered in my ear. He moved off of me and attached him self to my chest. I threw the covers over us and we feel asleep wrapped in each other arms.
Author-chan: ok peeps the next chapter will be the rescue of garaa so it's going to be a longggggggggg chapter. I might cut it in half and make it 2 chapters.

Naruto: finally I missed my wittle garaa

Sasuke: should I be jealous??

James: I'm sexy and I know it~

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