chapter 4

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Monday morning  Naruto pov
"School already I swear I though the Friday party was just yesterday" I got up got dressed and did the other morning things.
I went down stairs wishing I didn't. Kurama and itachi were making out on the kitchen counter. "Well hello to you too itachi" I waved to them but they wasn't paying attention. I hopped in my car but I noticed the back my car was filled with ripped up condoms.

"James I am so gonna kill you!" I walked towards his seat and grabbed the front of his shirt. "I told you not in my car" he just looked at me and sheepishly smiled. "Sorry" he said pushing me away from him. I decided to handle it later since everybody in class was looking at me. "Skip to page 43" kakashi said taking out a marker.

"This is a school shooting. If you do not want to die tell me where Naruto Uzamaki is"

Every body looked my way. "Oh shit! James did you bring my gun?" I said getting up and going towards James. "Was I suppose to?" Now we are really finna die. "Call kurama" I ran towards the door looked out the hallway and quickly came back inside. "Why now?!" I ran towards the window at my car. Now I'm for sure I'm a certified idiot I brought the car that said Naruto on it.

"Kurama is so gonna kill you" James grabbed my shoulder. "You don't think I know that by now!" I ran to the teachers supply closet and hid in there. "James you know what to do" I close the door.

James pov
"WHERE IS HE?!" Some guy came in with a gun. "I don't know but your free to check the class" I told him acting like a teacher. The guy head for the closet and I cough letting Naruto know to open the door hard. "Uh" the guy feel Naruto took his gun and use the back of it to hit him in the face. Oh and while this was going on the class and teacher was  staring at us terrified.

No pov
"Where the fuck is garaa when we need him" Naruto whispered dragging the guy into the closet. Sasuke was staring at Naruto like he was gonna pass out. All of sudden two dudes bust threw the window. "NARUTO I AM SO GONNA KILL YOU!" Kurama came in with two guns on his hip and ran towards Naruto. He grabbed him by his ear. "Ow ow ow the earring" Naruto whined and kurama let go of him.

The other guy with kurama was itachi and he had guns in his jackets. Sasuke never seen his brother EVER like this before. "When we're you going to tell me about this"  sasuke stood up and walked towards his brother. "I don't want you to be like me I want you to be better" itachi said grabbing his little brother face softly but sasuke jerked away. "And you could of died and I would have never known" sasuke whispered angry. He didn't want to face his brother so he just walked back to his seat and watched everything play out.

" I know everybody having a brother fight right now but I think we have so problems right now" James said looking out the classroom door was about 8 guys with guns.
Kurama threw a gun to his brother and James. "Your ground for life just to let you know" kurama said heading towards the door. "You just jumped threw a school window" Naruto yelled at him walking towards itachi. "Garaa is locked in their agency" kurama told us and we almost died at that moment.

The guys ran threw the door shooting bullets every where and the class gathered in a corner with there head down.

Sasuke pov
I can't believe my brother works with a freaking agency with my crush. That's two things that can die that I love.

No pov
Naruto was pretty good at combat and didn't really use a gun. Sasuke was amazed at how strong Naruto was. Some guy shot a bullet at Naruto and he dodged it and took the guys gun. Kicking him in the throat and throwing the gun at the other guy. James was shooting basically every guy in the leg so they would be easier for Naruto to handle. Kurama and itachi handled the guys outside the door.

Once everything was over everybody started to clap and whistle. Cheering and girls squealing. "Awe thank you ladies and gentlemen" James bowed putting his gun down. "Come on idiot for the police come" Naruto yelled grabbing James by the jacket.
They jumped out the window with kurama and itachi behind them. "Whatever happens don't tell anybody I was here" Naruto told the class and the teacher before leaving and giving a wink to sasuke.

"I wonder what happened to Naruto and James?" Kiba said eating his sandwich. There wasn't much damage to the school except that classroom. So they sent them back to school early. "Did you guys see Naruto flip threw the air he's so sexy~" sakura blushed and fangirled.

Sasuke pov
'I wonder when Naruto will come back, I already miss him' I though. Itachi hasn't been home since the situation either. The cafeteria double doors suddenly bang open. Naruto and James walked in and everybody ran up to them. Once they sat down at our table James had kiss marks on his cheeks and Naruto had one on his forehead. "Hey guys how you been" Naruto smiled and everybody just looked at him crazy. After the whole thing he's just back to normal. "Dude how did you even get back into the school?!" Kiba yelled happy and bro hugged him. "I have my ways" Naruto stated and sat down next to him.

"Hey sasuke can I talk to you real quick?" He asked me smirking. I blushed and got up and followed him to a empty hallway. "About your brother...he won't be home for another week or so him and kurama had a mission you can say" Naruto spoke softly. He came close up to me and grabbed my ass. "I was wondering since he and my brother are gone maybe me and you can go out somewhere fun" he smirked kissing my neck. "I don't know it depends if I'm the only one your grabbing onto like this" I smirked grabbing his crotch. " Only one baby" he whispered and my ear. He pushed his lips onto mine gently. He slid his hand down my pants but I stopped him. "No no no your going to have to wait for this" I pointed toward my crotch and ass. I walked back towards the cafeteria. On our little walk back he slapped my butt and I moaned softly. "You kinky bitch" he whispered in my

"Y'all took a while what did y'all talk about" kiba smirked and I blushed look a different way. "Let's talk about you and hinata all over each other at my party" Naruto smirked at him and kiba blushed looking at hinata blushing.

Author-chan:  For some reason I wanted somebody to get shot but then that would be extra typing so nevermind.😂

Naruto: hahaha sasuke I called you a kinky bitxh

Sasuke: shut up dobe *blushing*

James: I didn't get to smoke a cigarette 😣

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