chapter 9

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Mission Day Sasuke pov
Today is the mission and I'm scared out of my mine. Naruto seems the same as always but he's use to it that's why. What if this is my last day?! Don't think like that sasuke and stop talking to your self. *sigh* Im so lame. "Hey sasuke you ok?" suigetsu asked handing me my graded homework. "Yes but if I don't see you Tomorrow, take my cat to your house" he looked at me confuse and just nodded.

"Turn to page 69" kakashi said and suigetsu laughed. "Your so childish" I groaned and he laughed even harder. I raised my hand to go to the bathroom and ran out the classroom. Sometimes I feel like that class is going to kill me of boredom. "Hey Sasuke!" Karin ran towards me and I sped down the hallway going towards the bathroom. "Shit! That was close" I whispered hiding at a corner. I turned and bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry" I quickly said. "Don't be sorry baby boy~" Naruto smirked helping me up.

"How come I find you every where" I questioned and he laughed nervously. "You better not be skipping naruto!" I yelled whispered and he looked the other way.
"Hey it's for a good reason though" I looked at him like seriously and he just laughed.
"Well im going to class. I been gone to long."
I turned to walk away and he grabbed my waist pulling me into the bathroom.

"Its almost lunch let's just chill in here till it's time" he smiled. "I don't think I wanna chill in a bathroom but I guess I can do it once" he smirked and I knew that smirk so well. I backed up slowly till my back hit the wall and he hugged me. HUGGED ME! This is not what I was thinking at all. "I love you" he kissed me and i kissed back. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and I moaned lightly.

After all the times we did something in the bathroom we had never got caught. I spoke to soon, a little nerd walked in shyly looked at us and walked back out. Naruto and I stared at each other for a minute and laughed exiting the bathroom and headed to the cafeteria.

"Hey lover boys" kiba waved and everybody did as well. Naruto sat down next to kiba and I walked off to go sit with suigetsu.
"I though you ditched school for a minute" suigetsu frowned. "Did you miss me?" I smirked. "NO! That class is just really boring without you to mess with" he laughed and I glared at him. He was a pain in the ass for sure. "So where's blonde? You didn't even introduce him to your best friend! I feel so hurt" he faked cried, glaring at me every once in a while to make sure I feel his pain.
"Would you like to meet him now? Since your so upset" I pointed towards him and suigetsu got happy.

For some reason I think they are going to get along too well. I walked over to Naruto grabbed his arm and pulled him over to suigetsu. "Hey I wasn't done talking?!" Naruto frowned and sat down. "Who is he?" Naruto questioned a little rude. "I'm suigetsu sasuke's best friend in the whole world." I rolled my eyes. "I'm Naruto, nice to meet you" Naruto smiled and shook suigetsu hand. They talked for the rest of lunch and I sat their trying to ignore their teasing. They act just alike but look totally different.

End of school
"How come you didn't introduce him to me sooner? He's just like me!" Naruto jumped around as we headed to the car. "I can only take one of you at a time" I joked. Once we were in the car Naruto and I heard a ticking noise. "You hear that" he whispered and I nodded. "Its a bomb!" Me and him both yelled jumping out the car and it exploded.
"You ok baby boy?" Naruto groaned. "Yes" I got off the ground and dusted my self off and Naruto did the same.

"My brother is so going to kill" Naruto pulled out his phone and called James.
"Can you come get me and sasuke?" As he was on the phone I walked around the car but not to close it was on fire. "I hope James get here quick enough because the police don't like me much and they will be coming" he sighed and I came up to him and kissed his cheek. "Calm down Naruto" I whispered and he relaxed a little.

James pulled up and we got in the car right before the police and firemen came. "Kurama is going to kill you" James laughed and Naruto glared at him. Me being the quiet one just relaxed in the back. "This is your 5th car getting blown up" Naruto punched James and he laughed even harder.

"Did deidara get the weapons ready for tonight?" Naruto asked taking a cigarette from James and lighting it up. I didn't know Naruto smoked. I slapped it out of his mouth and he looked at me and I glared. "If you mean sasukes katana then yeah." Wait what?! "Why do I need a katana?" I asked and they both smirked. "The special weapons!!" They sung together. "Each person gets their own weapon. Naruto has a quaterstaff, I have a gun, deidara has his little gadgets, and you have a katana" James explained.

Naruto Pov and house
Once we entered the house and dropped our bags on the floor, I picked sasuke up and threw him on my shoulder. "Put me down naruto!" Sasuke yelled hitting my back but I just laughed and ran upstairs carefully not to drop him. I layed him on the bed and crawled between his legs. I kissed his nose and he blushed, mumbling idiot. "I want you to call me daddy from now on" i smirked and his cheeks flushed red.

"Do you like me calling you baby boy?" I asked and he nodded. "Does it turn you on baby boy~" I whispered and he moaned slightly as I grinded against him. "Do you like it when I grab your ass~?" I squeezed his ass softly and he bit his lip trying to hold his moan in. I wish I could just do him right now but I don't want him limping on the mission.

Time skip at the agency
"So, the plan is?" I asked deidara. Everybody was in the lounge room. Sasuke sitting on my lap, deidara and James playing pool. "You and sasuke are going to rescue garaa, James is going to stay somewhere high off the ground with a sniper, and I'm going to shut down the agency's surveillance programs." Deidara explained and we all nodded. I hope this goes as plan. 1 hour till the action begans.

"Sasuke?" He leans on my chest and falls asleep. I kissed his cheek and let him sleep.

Time skip to what you all been waiting for!!!

In the next chapter.....

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