chapter 11

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1 week after mission
"Hey you guys cheated!" Kurama and Naruto yelled pointing at the uchia's. They were playing fortnite, brothers against brothers. "You guys suck at this game" sasuke and itachi laughed while Naruto and kurama had their little tantrum. After the mission itachi and kurama came back and since sasuke was In the agency everybody was closer for some reason.


"That's my phone I be right back" Naruto said putting down his controller and heading towards the kitchen. "Hey Naruto, everybody is going to the movies you and sasuke should come" kiba said. "Sure, we will be on our way in 10 mins" Naruto said slightly laughing cause he heard hinata giggling in the background. "Ok see you there dude" kiba rushed of the phone.

Naruto Pov
"Hey sasuke everybodys going to the movies tonight. I said we will be there in 10." I ran into the living room grabbing my jacket off the couch and telling itachi and kurama bye.
"Drive safe" itachi yelled waving to us as me and sasuke exited the house. We got into the car and drove towards the theater. "Do you know what movie we are watching?" Sasuke said texting someone on his phone. Being the over protective boyfriend I am I took his phone. "Hey give it back idiot!" He yelled reaching for his phone. I put it in my pants and he crossed his arms.

"Why don't you get it?" I smirked and he turned his head the other way hiding his blush. "Who were you texting?" I asked. I locked his phone trying to figure the password. "Suigetsu you over protective bastard" he mumbled and I gave him back his phone. "You could of grabbed it out of my pants" I smiled cheekily. I'm such a horny idiot.

"If I did you would of turned it into a whole sex session" he rolled his eyes. We pulled up in the theaters parking lot and got out the car. "What's wrong with sex?" I wrapped my arm around his shoulder peeking at his phone as he typed away and walked to our friends. "Nothing but I don't want to have sex in a car. My back and butt already hurts when having sex but, if we are in the car everything is going to hurt" he said and I laughed.

Everybody waved at us; kiba and hinata, neji and ten ten, shikamaru and temari, sakura and lee, and ino and sai. "What movie do you have us watching kiba" shikamaru groaned with his arm around temari waist. "I say we watch insidious the last key" kiba pointed towards the screen, with listing of movies on it. We all agreed and got our tickets. "Somebody get popcorn?" Sakura said. "NOT IT!" We all yelled but shika.

"What a drag" shika headed over to the snack stand with temari to help carry everything. We sat by each other but there was one seat between each couple. Ino called it the kissing space so we won't be to crowded. I layed my head on sasuke and he wrapped his arms around me. "Big baby" he whispered and i chuckled.

After movie
"Naruto it's just a movie" sasuke laughed holding me. I hugged him tight as we exited the movie theaters. "Kiba" hinata blushed as kiba shaked against her chest. "You guys are so scary. We are the girls but y'all sure are acting like one" temari laughed as shika walked very close to her watching every movement. "Hey! I didn't think it was going to be that scary" kiba stated. "I guess I'm the only guy not scared" neji said and a kid pop of no where and he screamed jumping into ten ten's arms. "Not scared right" ten ten said sarcastically. Lee was clinging on sakura, sai on ino, me on Sasuke, neji on ten ten, shika on temari, kiba on hinata.

"We are never taking you guys to a movie again" ino laughed. We all started to walk to our cars after saying goodbye.

Sasuke pov
"I'm driving" I said and Naruto looked at me crazy. "You almost killed me last time and it's dark outside" he glared and I walked away from the car. "Where you going baby boy! Don't leave me alone" I smirked and ran for it. He chased me around the parking lot screaming and I laughed. "I give up let's go home" I panted getting into the car. He got in the car and began to drive.

We went to my house and relaxed until we felt like sleeping. Naruto was playing fortnite with his buddies online which is kiba and James. I layed on the couch with my phone scrolling through instagram.
"Stop cheating!" Naruto yelled through the  game mic. "Is sasuke distracting you or you just suck" James laughed. Naruto shot James in the back of the head and he died. "Hahahah...bastard" Naruto faked laugh.

"Sasuke they keep cheating" Naruto whined in my lap throwing his remote on the ground. "I know baby it's ok" I chuckled ruffling his hair. He climbed all the way on the couch and layed his head on my chest. I payed no attention to him and kept scrolling through my phone as he groaned. "Sasu~ love on me" he whined. I put my phone down and kissed him. "Your like a puppy" I laughed and he grabbed my ass. He smirked and flipped me onto my back since I was laying side ways.

He grinded against me and I moaned. "Why don't we have a little fun tonight" he picked me up and carried me to the bed in my room. He layed me on the bed and took all his clothes off except his boxers. I did the same thing and he got on top of me. He leaned down and kissed me. I ran my hands down his smooth back.

He kissed lower and lower to he got to the waist band of my boxers. I flipped us over and attacked his neck with hickeys and bite marks. "Sasu~" he groaned softly. I snaked my hand in his boxers slowly stroking his length. I smirked and leaned down towards his manhood and slid down his boxers.
I licked the tip and he threw his head back.
I put his member in my mouth sucking on how much I can fit in my mouth and stroking the part I couldn't fit.

"Fuck" he shivered and I bobbed my head up and down. He grabbed my hair and pushed my head down further. I twirled my tongue around as I felt his climax coming, but he flipped us before he came. He kissed me as he took my boxers off. He put his hips between my legs and I felt his member at my entrance. I whinced in pain as he pushed his manhood inside me.

"Daddy~" I moaned and quickly covered my mouth. He smirked and pulled out leaving the tip in and thrusted back into me hard.
"I knew you would call me by my real name sooner or later~" he whispered in my ear and I blushed. He thrusted into me again and I clawed his back with my nails. It felt like he grew another 3 inches from last time.

"Fa-ster" I moaned and he smirked. He thrusted faster and harder. He sucked on my neck speeding up his pace. "Da~ddy" he grabbed my ass hard and he hit my g-spot. He hit the spot over and over and I felt my climax near.

After a few more thrust I came on our stomachs and he came inside me. He gave me one last kiss and pulled out. He layed right next to me and I pulled him into my chest. "I love you baby boy~" he mumbled falling asleep. "I love you too daddy" I said whispering the end. We both fell asleep in each other arms.
Author-chan: this story is almost done probably two more chapters

Naruto: noooo!!!

Sasuke: she has other books Naruto

Naruto: oh ok then go read her books peeps

Shika: what a drag

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