chapter 7

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First day of training Sasuke pov

Dinggg dongg

"Who the hell is at the door this time at night?!" I opened my eyes when I heard the doorbell. I can't see shit it was so dark in my house as I walked down the stairs and cold since I had no shirt or pants on. "Who is it?" I mumbled tierdly. "Your Romeo and knight in shining armor" he said proudly. "Naruto it's 4 at night. What do you want?" I said opening the door, he walked in and sat on the couch. "Can I at least get a kiss? Is this how you are at early morning?" He smiled at me and I just stared at him blank.

I started to walk upstairs and he followed me but I didn't mind. I walked in my room, layed on my bed, and got back under the covers. "I came here for a reason" he said sitting on the bed. "Hm" I groaned and slid to him to lay my head on his lap. "I did say I was going to train you" he put his hand under the covers and rubbed my back. "Your hands are cold" I mumbled and he laughed.

I forgot all about the training stuff.
"Get change baby boy so we can go" he said laying back on the bed. I got up and he stared at me. "Get out" I blushed and pushed him out, locking the door. "I already seen, touched, and fucked that body baby boy~" I blushed even darker and put my clothes on.
When I was done getting dressed I walked down stairs to see Naruto petting my cat. "You never told me you had a cat" my cat never really bond with new people but, he liked Naruto.

"Lets go" Naruto grabbed his keys off the counter. When we walked outside it was raining  icicles and we ran to the car. "How come you don't drive" Naruto asked me as we drove down the road. "You don't want to see me drive" I warned him but he pulled over. "What are you doing idiot?!" He grabbed my arm. "Switch seats and you can drive" he said hopping over the arm part and climbing into my seat while I did the same and sat in his seat. "Are you sure about this" I asked before pushing the gas.

"I trust you with my life" he said dramaticly with his hand on his heart. "Ok then but, don't tell me I didn't warn you" I said pushing the gas and flying down the street. The speed limit was 50 and I was going 95. I was a good driver it was just that I drive to fast. I dodge cars easily and laugh the whole ride looking at Naruto clutching the hand thing and his seat belt. His eyes nearly fell out. Since I didn't really no where to go I followed the GPS.

"We're here" I said parking the car. "OMG I THINK I ALMOSTED DIED!!" He yelled opening the car door quick and falling out. I laughed as I went around the car to the other side to help him up. "I warned you" I laughed and he looked at me crazy. "I didn't know you were going to go hyper fast" he clutched his heart. "Lets just go before I pass out" I lifted him and he walked inside the building. The building looked super run down and old. There was dirt all over the building. When I entered the building every thing was clean like super clean. It looked like a rich family owned the place. Well of course Naruto does.

"This is my brothers office and itachi's" he pointed to 2 rooms across from each other.
The rooms were perfect and everything looked high tech. We walked down a hallway and entered in guessing the lounge room. "Me and James don't really like offices so we like to go in here to mess around."  There was a gaming system, pool table, bar, and a sand box. "Why the sand box?" I asked and Naruto laughed. "Garaa is addicted to sand" he pointed to a couple picture of garaa playing in the sand on the wall.

We walked down another hallway with offices then we came to the training room.
"This is the training room" their was some guy with blond long hair sitting on the floor glaring at Naruto. "Don't pay attention to him, he will disappear sooner or later" Naruto whispered to me and the guy looked like he was going to cry. "That's not very nice Naruto. We are bestfriends" he came running at Naruto and pulled him into a hug.

"Deidara get off me" Naruto pulled him off and the guy smirked. Naruto screamed and ran out the room. "He will be back soon, I just planted a little bomb on him" the guy laughed and I was scared to be near him honestly. I mean who wouldn't the guy just placed a bomb on my boyfriend. "We will now begin your training. Can you fight?" I nodded and he suddenly threw a punch towards my stomach I caught it and twisted his arm behind his back. "Your stronger than I though" he smirked and I let him go.

"You'll be doing close up fighting like naruto" he said flipping his hair and throwing a bunch of mini things at me. "These are mini electricity shocks, you place it on a person and they get electrocuted. I would give you my mini bombs but I don't know if Naruto would be ok with that" he smirked and entered a couple digits on a computer in the room and nine robot things drop down. (Kinda like voltron but not exactly space tech)

"You will place a shocker on every robot while they attack you" he said and I put the shockers in my pocket and got ready for them to attack. One robot came at me I dodged him and he fell to the ground and I placed the shockers on him. "One gone and 8 to go" I whispered to my self. As robots came at me I dodged, kicked, punch, and placed shocker over and over. "8 gone and 1 to go" the last robot came at me with a gun and I panicked. Naruto ran in front of me as the bullet came and dodged it with a quarterstaff and kicking the robot.

I was shocked and a little scared. "you was just going to stand there and let the bullet hit you stupid" he said angry and I jumped a little. "Well I'm sorry I can't dodge a bullet like the all mighty Naruto" I said angry back crossing my arms. He looked at me softly and I turned my head. "Im sorry" he whispered with his hands behind his back.
"I bet you are" I commented back and I felt hands on my waist and he pulled me into a hug. "I love you" he said kissing my forehead. "I love you too" I said back giving in. "You know if you die I'm going to kill myself the next day" he said and I pulled away from him. "If you do that I will kill you in the after life" I said seriously and he laughed and I cracked a smile.

"I'm tierd let's go to your place" he said happy. "You just want to see the cat don't you?" I laughed and he nodded. " And to take the opportunity to lay in bed with you" he smirked. "I though wanted to do other things in my bed but I guess not" i said faking it. "That's what I meant!!" He yelled and shook me till I said maybe. "Maybe turns into a yes" he said smirking. "It could turn into a no if you decided to fuck my cat instead" I laughed and he screamed and shook me again.
Author-chan: Naruto is such a headache

Sasuke: tell me about it

Naruto: *currently playing with sasuke's cat*

Author-chan: Read and vote on my other stories pweaseeee!!!!!

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