Jihoon? Guanlin?-Part 2

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You went out the school looking around for Jihoon. You saw Guanlin and quickly turned away but he saw you.

Guanlin: Hey Y/-

Jihoon: Hey Y/N!

You: Oh hi guys, well-

Guanlin: What is he doing here?

You: Well Jihoon sai-

Jihoon: I could be wherever I want.

Guanlin: Tch come on Y/N let's go

Guanlin then grabbed your wrist lightly but Jihoon grabbed the other. There was now a crowd around you guys and there were all 'oohs' and 'fight fight fight.' Jihoon and Guanlin started to yell.

Guanlin: I told you to back off! *throws a punch to Jihoon's face*

Jihoon stood up and threw a punch making Guanlin fall.

Jihoon: Why should I? I'm the one that's better with her!

Guanlin: Yeah right!

Jihoon got angry and was about to throw another punch! But you got in the way and grabbed his wrist.

You: Are you kidding me? Your fighting over a girl?! I mean who is this girl?

Jihoon and Guanlin: YOU!

You: Me? I mean I only knew Guanlin liked me but Jihoon?

Jihoon: You confessed?!!

Guanlin: Yeah what you going to do?!

Jihoon got so angry that he started punching Guanlin hard! He was about to throw the last punch until he heard his name.



They were both stunned from what you said and started stuttering.

Jihoon: W-w-wait Y-y/N

Guanlin: C-c-come back

You turned around

You: Yes?

They were both still stuttering

And you, well you left them.

One year later.....

It has been a year since what happened with Guanlin and Jihoon. They don't hang out with each other anymore, You guess you could say that you were the glue that held you three together. You were doing just fine without them, you made other friends but it was very awkward whenever you passed by one of them and they would just stare at you while you try to look away. Guanlin started hanging out with some boy named Seonho and Jihoon started hanging out with some other boy named Bae Jinyoung. You hung out with 11 girls, Somi, Doyeon, Yoojung, Yeunjung, Sejeong, Mina, Pinky, Nayoung, Sohye, Chaeyeon, and Chungha. You and Somi were the youngest.

At lunch....

Somi: Why does Guanlin keep on staring at you?

You: Huh? Oh him? Something happened last year and I don't want to talk about it, let's just say I've been avoiding them.

Doyeon: Them? Who's the other?

You sighed

You: Jihoon

All 11 girls: Jihoon and Guanlin?!

Yeunjung: Ohhhhhh it was that fight last year huh? The one after school, they were fighting over you?

You: Apparently

All of them except you gasped, you just looked at them.

Yoojung: Why didn't you tell us?

You: Because I didn't want anything like right now to be like this.

Sejeong: O-M-G how did you find out?

You: Guanlin confessed before and Jihoon confessed during the fight.

Somi: Who'd you choose?

You: No one! That's why I hung out with you guys, I stopped hanging out with them and started to avoid them!

Sohye: Oh well then we'll protect you from those two.

You looked at her then the rest of them, they nodded.

You: Oh thank goodness! You guys aren't like those friends who tell me who to choose!

Nayoung: Of course we're not like that! We don't like being like that at all!

Guanlin and Jihoon tried talking to you all week but luckily your friends backed you up. One day afterschool, everybody had to go home. You were walking when you heard someone yell your name.

?: Y/N!

You turned around and saw Jihoon? You quickened your pace but he caught up to you. He back hugged you so tight that you couldn't breathe.

Jihoon: I missed you so much! I'm so sorry! I really missed you! This was the worst year ever! Being avoided by the girl I love.

You sighed, you wanted to move away from him. But honestly you missed him too, even Guanlin.

You: I missed you too, but I want you to make it up with Guanlin.

Jihoon: I'll try but he just avoids me too.

You: I'll try to talk to him.

Jihoon nodded

Jihoon: So wanna catch up and get bubble tea?

You nodded, it was nice catching up after all.

At the bubble tea place...

You were laughing so hard along with Jihoon when you guys remembered how dorky you guys looked in the past.

Jihoon: I missed your laugh, your smile, your lips.

Jihoon started staring at your lips.

You: Um Jihoon?

Jihoon: S-sorry! I-I was just! Ugh let's just go I'll take you home.

You: Ok?

You guys walked and when you guys finally reached to your house you turned to him.

You: Well thanks for the bubble tea and taking me home.

You then leaned and pecked his cheek leaving him all flustered and red.

Jihoon: Oh it was nothing! I-I was I mean I should go!

You just nodded and turned around, as you were about to go in your house. He turned you around and was so close to you lips.

Jihoon: I shouldn't leave without a kiss goodnight.

You gulped, kinda scared because of your thought with what almost happened to you and Guanlin a year ago.

But this time you were ok with it? You didn't know how to feel honestly.

Jihoon leaned in and your lips were almost touching his.

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