Jung Sewoon-Baby It's You

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Months ago...

You and Sewoon were childhood friends. You and him found out that he was going to become an idol and you let him.

Sewoon: I'm going to miss you!

You: I know! And hey don't forget me when you make it big out there!

Sewoon: *laughs* Ok Y/N I gotta go! Bye, I'll call you when I get to the entertainment!

Y/N: *holds back tears* O-ok bye Sewoon!

Present time...

It's been a while since you and Sewoon have talked, but you both were busy anyway. You had school to catch up with and he was an idol so he'll always be busy. But then all of a sudden, he facetimed you.

Facetiming Sewoon....

You: Sewoon!

Sewoon: Y/N!

Both of you guys: I missed you so much!

You both laugh but then realised.

You: Sewoon, why all of a sudden you wanna talk to me?

Sewoon: Well you know I missed you and you just came to my mind. And I thought since I had nothing to do I could talk to you.

You: Oh that's great then, so any new songs?

Sewoon: Mmm...I have been working on one.

You: Oh can I hear it?

Sewoon: Y/N I have to go my manager is calling me. Talk to you later?

You: Oh, ok bye.

You knew he was faking it but you let it go.

We only got to talk for a bit. You thought as you left your room.

Next day...

Sohye: Y/N!!!!

You: Ahhh! Sohye!

Sohye and Somi laughed

Sohye: Sorry

You: Yeah it's ok, let's go get some frozen yogurt.

They both agreed and you three left.

After you finished your frozen yogurt, you guys left to the park.

Somi: So do you miss him?

You: Of course I do!

Sohye: Don't worry he has to visit some time.

You: It's been a while already, maybe I'll just give up.

Somi: *sighs* He waited to long for you.

You: I know but that's alright.

You all three then saw a big crowd.

Sohye: What in the hell is going on?

You: Let's go check it out!

You left and they followed, there you saw somebody calling your name?

?: I'm looking for Y/F/N Y/L/N.

You pushed through the crowd and there you saw him. Jung Sewoon.

You: S-sewoon?

Sewoon: Ahh there you are! I made this song for you.

After he finished, he looked at you.

Sewoon: I always loved you and it broke my heart when I had to leave you behind. Will you accept me of being your boyfriend?

You: YES!

You went to him and hugged him, he gave you a quick peck on the lips and you both smiled. Your friends were in 'aww' by this.


This is very short😐

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