Lai Guanlin-Volleyball

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You and Guanlin were enemies yet you had so much in common and you both didn't even realise it. You both were stubborn, smart, athletic, and pretty much competitive. When you and him tried out for volleyball, you both had made it in and were the captains. On an afterschool day you were practicing volleyball with your team. When all of a sudden the coach and the boys volleyball team came in the gym.

Coach: Listen up! We are going to have a girls vs boys game with volleyball! I'll coach the boys while Y/N coaches the girls! *blow whistle*

You got with your team and you heard one of them.

Seulgi: Why is Coach only teaching the boys?

You: Don't worry, he's just a sexist bitch who isn't fair and for some reason this stupid-enough school hired him.

You: Come on girls! Let's show'em that we could do better! Break!

You and your team left when you heard some of the boys yell, most likely Guanlin.

Guanlin: What's wrong? You mad cause Coach don't like ya girls?

You: *Scoffs* Please the only reason why Coach was only talking to you guys was because he knows that you guys suck, so he thought you guys needed a pep talk.

Guanlin: Wah you're so jealous that Coach loves my team more don't you?

You: Please you can have that sexist ass for all I care!

Guanlin: Bring it then!

While you guys were playing volleyball, you remembered what Guanlin had said and got pissed off. When the ball came to you, you spiked the volleyball, letting it hit Guanlin's face. When the ball hit his face, he quickly covered his face with his hand while everybody ran to him, even your team. While you on the other hand, stood there and held in your laughter.

Minhyun: Guanlin are you ok?

Guanlin: Do I look ok?!

Minhyun: Damn bro I was just asking if you were alright!

Guanlin groaned in fustration and kept holding his nose.

Coach: Y/N!

You heard your name being called and you ran to them.

You: Yes?

Coach: Say sorry to Guanlin right now!

You: Oh I'm NOT sorry, do I really have to say sorry to this asshole who just wants this dumbass attention?!

Coach: You know what?!! Since you hurt Guanlin, take him to the nurse!

You: Why me?! I hate him! Why can't it be Joy?!

Joy: Why me?!

Coach: Y/N now!

You got mad and pushed everybody, including your teammates. Guanlin followed along with his hands still covering his face.

Guanlin: So did you try doing that on purpose?!

You rolled your eyes and sped up your pace.

Guanlin: Answer me!

You: Shut up!

Guanlin grabbed your wrist harshly.

Guanlin: Did you do it on purpose?

He asked again and this time you actually answered this time.

You: No, I mean I would've but this one was on accident. I'm sorry I guess but just know that I only did that because you got on m-

Guanlin shut you up by kissing you. You were surprised so you pulled back.

You: What the hell was that?!

Guanlin: I've liked you ever since the day we became captains of the volleyball team. Even though we've hated each other before, I somehow developed feelings for you this year and time so I hope you'll accept me back.

You: Like me? For reals? Over volleyball?

Guanlin made a nervous smile and scratched the back of his neck.

Guanlin: Yes?

You: I guess I accept you but don't think I'll take it easy on you everytime we have to go up against each other again.

Guanlin: Ok and everytime you hit me that equals a date and a kiss.

You: Well then maybe I'll keep doing it.

You both smiled then he ruffled your hair and you both went to the nurse.


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