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23 Year Old, Tiffany Collins Is The Girlfriend Of The Singer And Actor, Algee Smith

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23 Year Old, Tiffany Collins Is The Girlfriend Of The Singer And Actor, Algee Smith. She's Also The Twin Sister Of The Actor And Singer, Kieth Powers, And She's The Mother Of Algee's Twins, AJ And Aaliyah Smith.

Now That She Has Found A Sitter For The Twins, She Will Try And Pursue Her Dreams Of Becoming A Singer. She Has A Great Voice And Music Flows Through Her Bones. She Even Coached Algee In Singing Lessons.

She's Ready For The Music Industry.

However, Algee Insists That She Should Stay At Home With The Kids And Relax. He Knows That He Makes More Than Enough Money To Support Their Family But Tiffany Won't Let That Happen. She's Sat On Her Ass For 3 Years Raising Their Kids, And She Wasn't Going To Do It Anymore. She Was Itching To Make Her Own Money, And Have Her Own Grind.

Whatever She Wanted To Do Best Believe She Was Going To Do It Whether She Had Algee's Support Or Not.

See, Tiffany Has A Little Sense Of Trust Issues When It Came To Men. Not Her Man, But Men Period. Her Father Left Her Mother To Raise Twins All By Herself. Her Family Struggled And Was Put Through Hell For A Long Period Of Time Until Another Family Helped Them Out.

Tiffany Knew Her Relationship Was Strong, But She Also Knew That People Woke Up With Different Feelings Everyday And She Refused To Let Her Kids Experience What She Did As A Child.

She Wants To Do This To Ensure Her Family Is Straight.

T I F F A N Y         C O L L I N S 

Feeling The Bed Dip A Few Times, Woke Me Up. I Opened My Eyes To See The Three People I Call The Love Of My Life Holding A Platter Of Breakfast Food.

"Aww, Is This For Muah?" I Asked Sitting Up With A Huge Smile On My Face.

"Yes Mommy. I Poured Your Juice." Aaliyah Pointed To The Half Empty Glass Of OJ. Most Of It Landed On The Plate.  "You See? I Did Good."

I Chuckled. "Yeah You Did Great, Just Aim For The Cup Instead Of The Plate Next Time Okay Pumpkin?"

She Nodded.

"And I Did That." AJ Pointed At The Waffles That Had A Lot Of Cool Whip On It. It Looked Like He Used The Whole Can.

"Wow, Thank You Guys Mommy Really Appreciates This." I Smiled Ear To Ear. I Had The Best Kids Ever.

"Alright Y'all Go Back Downstairs And Finish Y'all Food. Let Mommy Eat In Peace For A Minute. When Y'all Are Done Let Me Know." Algee Said, Ushering Them Out The Door.

"Okay." They Screamed Before Running.

"STOP RUNNING!!" Me And Algee Yelled At The Same Time.

Once We Heard The Patter Of Their Feet Slow Down, We Locked Eyes And Smile At Each Other.

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